
It's time for the blogosphere's favorite intramural charity, Gary Farber Pledge Drive Week. If you appreciate the long-running efforts of one of the fixtures of the net, help him out.


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Skiing Break was action packed for the kids. Monday museum, Tuesday playland, Wednesday skiing with grampa, Thursday swimming, Friday museum & puppet theatre and a museum-organised LAN party for the 10-y-o. Yesterday's museum was the Public Transport Museum which shares an entrance and a…
It may be a day late, but it was worth it. The latest installment of the Skeptics' Circle, that long-running blog carnival of skepticism and critical thinking (hey, four and a half years is a really long time in the blogosphere). This time around, let TechSkeptic take you on A Skeptical Journey…
Gary Farber of Amygdala is in a crisis, both financially and in his health. This is such a waste: Gary is one of the all time great online raconteurs with a long history of bloggy productivity and the respect of swarms of other internet personalities. If someone were setting up a weblog franchise…
It's the first week of May, which means we're due to see flowers watered by all this damn rain soon, and also a recap of the various posts I wrote for Forbes during April: -- Why Are There Too Many Papers In Theoretical Physics?: A look at the origins of "ambulance chasing" in high-energy theory,…

I think this needs a picture or two - something about the controversial nature of Gary's blog. And a link or two from everyone. Wake up, people! Stop slagging fools (who, like the poor, will always be with us) and do something positive.