Great Moments in Hubris

I stopped by a Sports Authority store yesterday to buy a couple of whistles before tonight's intramural basketball game (a persistent problem in the last few years has been that the students refereeing the game don't have whistles, and thus fould go uncalled). There were laser-printed signs taped to the front doors saying (approximately):

When the Patriots win on Sunday, we will have official locker-room championship hats and T-shirts for sale after the game.

Now, this is a corporate entity unaffiliated with the team, so I'm not sure if the woofing theorem applies, but if San Diego wins today, you know part of the reason why.

Also: What are the Giants, chopped liver? (Don't answer that...)


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They should amend that sign to say that if they lose, there will be a special red-tag sale - and some burnings at the stake!

Hunh. Are these results going to cause any tension in Chateau Steelypips? (Gosh, my father-in-law must be happy now, given how the Giants did in the regular season).

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 20 Jan 2008 #permalink

looks like it didn't apply