Wardrobe malfunction

The belts and straps and chains slipped that day! I had no idea there was a cameraman hanging around at the time.


It's a
nice T-Shirt anyway.


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The trip to California went well. Suspiciously well, in fact, to the point where, even though I am now back home, I am still waiting for something to go wrong. I first became suspicious during the two-hour drive over to Dulles Airport. There was no traffic. How odd. My rule of thumb when flying…
This is the t-shirt worn by the marching band of Smith-Cotton high school of Sedalia, Missouri. The 'ascent of man' image is a bit irritating — it is a portrayal of a fallacious idea of directionality in evolution — but the designers had a reasonable goal in mind. Assistant Band Director Brian…
Here's the scenario: a high school student, fed up with what he perceived as the school district's official anti-gay stance, wears a t-shirt to school that says "Be ashamed. Our school has embraced what all decent people should condemn" on the front and "Homophobia is shameful" on the back. The day…
I finally have a day job! For a few weeks, anyway - I'm temping as a GIS monkey. While this is not functionally much different from generic office temp jobs, data entry using ArcGIS pays much better than data entry with Excel. Historically, day-jobbing has not had much effect on my blog output,…

I'd love to hear the evolutionary explanation for that particular configuration (and location) of limbs! :)

PZ, I thought you might be interested in this clip they've linked to over at Sadly, No! It's really just your typical creationist BS, but it's another example of how it's not only biology that needs to deal with these morons.


Some grade A stupid right there.

Some grade A stupid right there.

Posted by: Andrew

Yowza! That video goes beyond stupid into a realm where even stupid is afraid to show its face.

Yowza! That video goes beyond stupid into a realm where even stupid is afraid to show its face.

And hop! into my quotations collection.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

Ahh, this is what I was looking for in that school photo. I kept looking for tentacles but they were too well hidden. I almost had to break out Photoshop and put them there myslef to make reality more real.

Yowza! That video goes beyond stupid into a realm where even stupid is afraid to show its face.

And hop! into my quotations collection.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink