A busy few weeks

Hey, classes are over … aren't I supposed to be lazing in a hammock, slacking off until September? Instead, it looks like I'm going to be prepping and giving lectures for the next couple of weeks. Here's the schedule:

  • On 28-30 May, I'll be attending IEDG 2008: Integrating Evolution, Development, and Genomics at Berkeley. Look at the schedule on this thing: there are some phenomenal speakers at this meeting, and I'm really looking forward to several days of solid science. I'm giving the last talk of the last day at this event.

  • On 2 June, at 7:00 pm, I'll be doing a public lecture/discussion at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle for the Northwest Science Writers Association. Science writers are wonderful people, so I'll be looking forward to meeting this bunch.

  • On 6 June, at 6:30 pm, I'l be speaking to the Seattle Society for Sensible Explanations. Seating is limited, so you'll need to RSVP soon. A skeptics group in Seattle? Where were these people when I lived there?

I hope to see some of you there at this little tour. Later this summer I'll be in Las Vegas, Denver, and Atlanta, too — I'm not exactly vacationing this year.


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"A skeptics group in Seattle? Where were these people when I lived there?"

Some of us freethinker types were probably still one state over, in a place where skepticism is an endangered meme. (You may have heard of Idaho?) Although I'm not a member of SSSE, so maybe 'us' is the wrong word to use there.

May the skies clear for your visit, Doctor Myers. May you enjoy a clear view of Mount Ranier! May the great light in the sky not be a sign from our angry rain gods! And may strangers buy you whichever caffeinated beverages you prefer in great abundance.

The MadPanda, FCD

Coming to Atlanta, the buckle of the Bible belt!

Recently the legislature passed a law allowing academic study of the bible in public schools. The first pro-atheist law I think they have ever passed. Can you imagine, an academic study of the bible, contradictions, genocide and all.

I am interested in attending your talk. Please give us some details.

By d simpson (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

Berkeley huh? I'm about an hour north, and there's a big CFI/Skeptic's community in SF. There's a Drinking Skeptically event in the City on the 28th. I've been meaning to make it to one of those, maybe this could be in impetus :-)

By Robert Thille (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

I agree with Dennis. Ontario, PZ, please!

Last talk on the last day eh? I hope your fire-breathing tentacles don't stir up an eruption of controversy among the two people who'll still be at the conference.

Well anyway that's how astrophysics conferences work.

Where are and when are you speaking in Denver? I'd love to come see you.

By charlie Snyder (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

See you in Vegas, PZ!

Please come down to Dallas Fort Worth... please too many churches here

Will the audio or video of these events be available online?

By theinquisitor (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

Wow, two Seattle events, plus once again at TAM6. Count me in for all three. PZ is a true rock star of biologists this summer.

By JC in Seattle (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

Let me invite all who are attending the IEDG 2008 conference in Berkeley, CA, to visit The Bone Room. It is the non-virtual reality, natural history store.

Seriously, PZ, are there more than one of you?

Hey, why not come to Orlando? Counteract creationist fantasy with some real fantasy! (Just make sure you drive right past the "Holy Land Experience". *wibble*.)

Atlanta yeah! I want to see that talk. As a Minnesota transplant to the South, perhaps I could help a fellow North Country native navigate the seas of mega-highways and megachurches that make up "ATL."

By Leukocyte (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

I'm going to TAM this year in Vegas. Hopefully I can meet up with you there! (It's my first TAM, so I'm not sure how these things work yet.)

Last talk on the last day eh? ...Well anyway that's how astrophysics conferences work.

Posted by: Johnny Vector | May 25, 2008 12:56 PM

Yep, the dreaded graveyard session. Happens in engineering too...

It's great that you are getting invited all over the place! This is well-deserved. Go, PZ!

...Can you imagine, an academic study of the bible, contradictions, genocide and all...

Posted by: d simpson | May 25, 2008 12:04 PM

First try reading and understanding it properly...

By "properly," Aquila means "the way my pastor told me to read it, so that I ran revel in the glory of the merciful LORD!"

I doubt s/he means "as an interesting insight into ancient superstitious thought from dozens of authors spanning centuries."

Yeah PZ! Yeah Atlanta!

Please - When & Where?

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

Aha! got it!

GECCO 2008 - Tuesday July 15th - Atlanta

Wow - I just saved 15% on my insurance!

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

By "properly," Aquila means "the way my pastor told me to read it...Posted by: MIkeG | May 25, 2008 3:45 PM

Nope, no pastor involved.
BTW, I posed 2 questions to you on the other thread.

Which other thread? The platypus genome one? I confess I haven't been back there in a few days. Let me know if that's the one you mean.

Sorry about the pastor dig, maybe I should have said "with the preconceived notion that it's true."

Nope, the Hovind one.

As for "preconceived notion that it's true", there is more to it than a superficial reading would reveal.

Shame you're not staying in the Bay Area, SJ01 is a good intersection of art and science. Well that is if you consider engineering to be science.

By Onkel Bob (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

I live in the SF bay area and also strongly suggest The Bone Room.

They have everything from petrified cave bear skeletons to plush stuffed microbes.

Maybe PZ can drop in on Peter Duesberg while at Berkeley.

Let us know when you'll be in Denver, Dr. Myers. I would love to see you speak.

PZ!!!!!!!!!! when are you coming to philiadelphia next!?!? I have to meet you. And give you a big hug. I hears you like asian men.

The first pro-atheist law I think they have ever passed. Can you imagine, an academic study of the bible, contradictions, genocide and all.

Yeah right! I teach Biology in Atlanta. I'll go sit in on a class if we offer it and let you know.

By Carol Potter (not verified) on 25 May 2008 #permalink

Damn straight Dennis...people should come to beautiful Elmira instead!

Or at least London (Ont.) would make me very happy...

When at Cal, you can stop by and pay your respects to Philip "Wedge" Johnson....heck, while you're at it, you can stop by and say hello to John "Torture Memo" Woo...both of em card carrying professors at my dear alma mater...now, after recent rebranding called BerkeleyLaw (no longer Boalt)...who said Cal was liberal?

Katie @ #36. I've been to Elmira, great place. Best Maple Sugar Festival ever! Markham just has lots of beer, none brewed here. Sad, really. Stupid Markham!

PZ, drop me a line at that email OR blog address and we'll buy you a beer in Berkeley. Several. Plus chow.

Hell, we'll drive you down to The Bone Room. I got my favorite earrings there, and you do want to take some souvenirs back to the family, right?

When at Cal, you can stop by and pay your respects to Philip "Wedge" Johnson....heck, while you're at it, you can stop by and say hello to John "Torture Memo" Woo...both of em card carrying professors at my dear alma mater...now, after recent rebranding called BerkeleyLaw (no longer Boalt)...who said Cal was liberal?

don't forget Deusberg over in MCB.

He and Johnson wrote the book on HIV denialism.


PZ... twice in one week... in my city. A skeptics' meeting. A talk about science writing. And I'm off that week. TEARS OF JOY! I'm so there!

Hope you'll come to Virginia sometime, we desperately need you down here!

Howdy - I've seen the Atlanta announcement before, and I see a few other comments above suggesting we have at least a handful of Pharyngulites in the Atlanta area. We should arrange some kind of meet-up with PZ and the rest of us. Any suggestions on how to do so, via this comment format? Emails?

I'll be at the Pacific Science Center, but not at the SSSE event. I wouldn't pay $33 to see anyone speak, to go to any concert, or to eat any one meal. I might fudge a little on the last one, depending on the meal. But come on..chicken, salmon, or pasta? How boring!