Now I see my problem


I need to get a cool hat like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Margaret Downey if I want to be one of the Cool Kids.


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OOh! Get a top hat!

A monocle too, if you want to stand out.

We should know! Why does PZ, (who has a trophy wife), have his right hand around Margaret Downey's waist? And why does he have manicured finger nails?

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Get a top-hat and monocle and you're set for life.

By Sir Jebbington (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Yeah, don't be a follower. They are likely envious of you being hatless.

By Colin Brady (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

You do realise, of course, that you're are now gonna receive a myriad of homecrafted cephalohats?

For those who cannot sow, themselves, I heartily recommend asking Susan. She loves getting custom orders.

(How big is your head, PZed?)


Imagine the conversation one could have with PZ, Tyson, and Downey over a pint or 4.

I love the celebr-ographs. Multiple cameras going off, multiple options for where to look. Notice how Neil is the rebel. "I'm gonna look over here, bitches."

By Monsignor Henry Clay (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

PZ definitely needs a Bowler.

I don't think you need a hat. I think you need an afro.

While the women all adore a
Man who's sporting a fedora
There are men who look like idiots with something on their head
Not a porkpie, fez or turban
Whether rural wear or urban
Is the sort of thing I picture looking stylish on P-Zed
When he put on a souwester,
Why, his hair began to fester
And he had to reconsider why that's something that he did
But if I could write a sonnet
To suggest his sort of bonnet
I am thinking, on his head should perch some stylish sort of squid.

I admire Tyson, but does he have a pink & chrome Eldorado with fuzzy upholstery and dice to match that hat?

-pimpin' for science, I guess

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

...does he have a pink & chrome Eldorado with fuzzy upholstery and dice to match that hat?

I wasn't thinking pimp, so much; I was thinking he looks like a judge on America's Best Dance Crew.

pimpin' for science, I guess

No. Poppin' and lockin' for science. You guys are just sick! ;^)

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Yay!! Cuttlefish is back!!

By ctenotrish (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Margaret Downey misspelled my last name!!!!

They look like guitar nails PZ. Do you play?

PZ, dude - what is your arm doing around her waist? Does your wife know about this?

By the puzzled ibex (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

I eagerly await the next picture. Perhaps hip-hop Tyson will have a giant clock and PZ can be rocking the Mr. Peanut look so many think he'd look good in.

Yeah, PZ, why is your arm around Margaret? And why did you roll only that sleeve up? And why is that arm a little longer than the other? It's as if it isn't even your arm!

As for hats, I think only a piratical hat would satisfy FSM.

I actually think the guy on the right looks cool and sexy in his own style, if he were gay, he'd be very popular in the bear crowd.

(Not that I think PZ would have any interest in this, he's got the trophy wife (TM), but here's the north country bears website for those who are curious or might be looking for activities in the upper midwest :)

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

You can't wear a top hat and monocle without spats.

On an unrelated note, is there a Margret Downey junior?

By Denis Loubet (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

PZ you do realize it looks like you are hugging and pressing that girl up against you right? With your elongated octoesc arm? Nice reach around, lol

By Peter Vaht (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

BTW, PZ, where was such an eminent group together at one time? No offense, but my man crush is for Neil, even if he looks unusually street in that pic.

may i also recommend a tweed cape? Go here for the finest in inverness tweed.

Woo! Margaret! Nice picture :)

By Dragonfire (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Hmm, a brilliant idea, methinks - a three-cornered top hat (think Cap'n Jack Sparrows hat with a top hat)

It also gives you the excuse to wear BOTH a monocle AND an eyepatch!

The upperclass pirate!

"I say, aaargh!"

Great company! Neil's Nova program is off to a good start. His book, "Death By Black Hole and Other Cosmic Quandaries" is a good read. We should be lucky to have company like this instead of the morons that infest Pharyngula!

Might I suggest a nice tricorn? They're appropriate for any occasion. Weddings, funerals, ball games, graduations... Emily Post says a tricorn is the one fashion accessory that can be worn at any time.

I had an amazing time at TAM, and meeting you was a definite highpoint! I was one of the drunkards who accosted you in the bar and kept you up past your bedtime. I hope you'll find the time to make it next year as well. Too bad Tyson couldn't stay past his talk.



Cuttlefish is why I read the interwebs.

By Roger, FCD (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Might I suggest a nice tricorn? They're appropriate for any occasion. Weddings, funerals, ball games, graduations...

...ship-boardings, pillagings, strandings of rival captains,...

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Cuttlefish, oh my heart and gizzard!

Very glad you are back.

By ThirtyFiveUp (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

What a great reception that was. I had a list of hands I wanted to shake: PZ, NDT, Phil, Shermer, Swoopy&derek, Randi, Hrab, etc. Got to shake them all, and there was actually time to chat with most.

Notice Phil and PZ are not in the same photo? I wonder if there are really two of them....

I dunno PZ, maybe you can make a hat out of the skins of all the babies you eat. IF that's too over the top, maybe a nice Fez hat?

By firemancarl (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Yay! Cuttlefish is back! :)
I second PZ donning a beanycopter...every girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man!

I have to say that this is my new favorite place to read the comments. I was an avid /.'er 10 years ago and this is the same good style. Now only if we get the numbers... never mind.

Tinfoil hats are least expensive, and would also allow you to blend unnoticed into any anti-skeptic conventions you might care to attend in the future.

Of course that's Margaret's hand and arm, not PZ's -- and she's wearing the sailor hat to advertise the upcoming Atheist Alliance Convention this September, which will be held on the Queen Mary, docked in Long Beach, CA.

PZ Myers will be there, along with Michael Shermer and a bunch of other luminaries. So if you missed TAM6 -- or really enjoyed TAM6 -- there's still this one.

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get a photo with Tyson, he left too soon -- but I have a real cute one of PZ, Blake Stacey, and me ;)

One of us has a feathered chapeau.

Are you kidding? Margaret looks like she's on break from Krispy Kreme.

I wish I could hang out with the cool kids!

I see you're having an affair with Margaret Downey. If you were Christians, I think God would be mad at you for being hypocrites, but since you aren't Christians, he probably doesn't mind. Proceed.

I second the tricorn suggestion! Maybe you could borrow Greta's?

Great to see Cuttlefish back!

No, PZ doesn't need a hat, and if he were gay he would be a prime bear.

By gaypaganunitar… (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

*Sigh* I love this blog. :P

By Anonymous (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

I need to get a cool hat like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Margaret Downey if I want to be one of the Cool Kids.

At least you're not wearing your standard blue shirt!

I'm afraid that upon watching Dr Tyson's feature on the brooklyn stone henge, I think his cool will be very, very hard to beat. Regardless of attire.

Nah, you don't need a hat to be cool. You're *PZ!* The guy who got expelled from Expelled! Wearing a hat like other people just waters down the experience. Live the dream, buddy!*

On the other hand, I think you'd look cool in full Steampunk this! You could use your Amaz!ng Pharyingulator Cannon (click the link) to turn creationists into your quiveringly obedient tentacled minions! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!

Speaking of tentacles...YAY, CUTTLEFISH!!! BTW, Cuttlefish, do you agree with evolution? Eric Hovind wants to know.

*"Red vs. Blue" reference :)

You met Neil deGrasse Tyson? Cool. I have such a heterosexual intellectual man-crush on NdT. I always enjoy a pop-cosmological PBS show a bit more when he is on it.

He is just lucky I am not a Republican pol....

Neil DeGrasse Tyson really is a national treasure. I met him last year, and he really is a nice guy. Funny, I thought the "world's sexiest living astrophysicist" (in your face, Hawking!) would be less accessible. Plus, he looks baaaad in that hat.

Maybe People magazine will nominate PZ "world's sexiest living biologist".

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

What about a Pith Helmet. Very pukka for a gentleman of your status.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

(How big is your head, PZed?)

Sorry Sili, practicing my quote-mining :)

By John Morales (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

How soon we forget the fashion power that manifested itself as the "Beware the Believers" cephalopod hat.

Oh yeah, I want one.

Canadian pharangulites who are not bored sick of that movie yet: the Globe and Mail reviewed it and there is lively commentary. Have to watch one's language though - my post calling BS a hypocrite and a liar got mod-rejected even though I had lots of nice links to the evidence.

If not a tricorn, as has been modestly suggested for PZ (#38, #41, and #57), perhaps a six-tiered hat out of one of Jack Vance's Dying Earth stories? Such would be quite appropriate for a man of his erudition, class, wisdom, and learning!


Good to see you safely returned, o Cuttlefish! There was a troll hereabouts casting aspersions on your kinfolk, but I think it got roasted already.

The MadPanda, FCD

MadPanda, he'd better make sure his six-tiered hat isn't adorned with the scale of a demiurge!

Gotta love Jack Vance... I'm kicking myself for not ordering the Integral Edition series.

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

Oh, I concur! Perhaps we should build him a deodand tank for the timely disposal of Behe's Geese?

Better yet, we should buy him a cask or two of Golden Porphiron wine!

The MadPanda, FCD

PZ, you should call the pope and see if you can borrow his hat. From what I heard on BBC the other day, the pope has become quite a fashion symbol. A nice pope hat with a golden cephalopod in the middle of it would be snazzy.

Ahh--one degree of separation. I've met Margaret, so am one degree away from Neil (big old Sagan-sized crush on that man!) and PZ (who I really like, but not in that way!).

And, you know, jealous that I couldn't be there!

Wow, I almost didn't even recognise Neil there for a second. Where was this taken again? Did anybody say?

Besides, I bet Tyson and Downy are jealous of your beard. The beardless always are.


Oh my.....
Neil deGrasse Tyson: more proof that science is sexy.
*yes, I swoon.
You may not have a hat, PZ, but the hand-in-pocket-book-under-arm stance pings my cool-o-meter. Who needs another arm (or six)?

#75 etc:

(I took it.) This was the Thursday night reception at TAM6, in the Flamingo, Las Vegas. What a week, and what an evening.

- Richard

I dunno, Pee Zed. Anyone who hangs with Margaret Downey and Neil DeGrasse Tyson is already pretty cool in my book.

By pete moulton (not verified) on 28 Jun 2008 #permalink


I have a real cute one of PZ, Blake Stacey, and me

Sigh. Neil is special, but PZ and Blake?

Cue green-eyed monster. :-)

Sastra,surrender the pics !!! ( Or post them somewhere lol)

YaY,PZ !
That would be cool.

Yay, welcome back Cuttlefish, you have been sorely missed.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 28 Jun 2008 #permalink

"A nice pope hat with a golden cephalopod in the middle of it would be snazzy."

Hey, that just screams "Esoteric Order of Dagon".

Still checking the mirror, no "Innsmouth Look".


By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 28 Jun 2008 #permalink

One can never go wrong with a cool hat. I'd suggest a Kangol assuming you can't find a good deal on a pope hat.

get a squid hat. i bet someone already said this. :p

By skeptic4u (not verified) on 28 Jun 2008 #permalink

Of course that's Margaret's hand and arm, not PZ's -- and she's wearing the sailor hat to advertise the upcoming Atheist Alliance Convention this September, which will be held on the Queen Mary, docked in Long Beach, CA.

PZ Myers will be there, along with Michael Shermer and a bunch of other luminaries. So if you missed TAM6 -- or really enjoyed TAM6 -- there's still this one.

OOOH! I can totally do Long Beach!! Please let us know if there's a meetup, 'kay?

By dwarf zebu (not verified) on 28 Jun 2008 #permalink

I swear PZ, you DO look like the Colonel.

PZ, in the Sunday Source section (Section N, p. 3) of today's Washington Post, the top article is titled "PAJAMA SQUID." It's about a children's boutique in Takoma Park, MD, whose owner describes the creature as a "tiny little blib, [sic] just playing on the ocean floor." Alas, the article doesn't make it clear whether the squid is sold as a stuffed animal. In the picture she's holding one that looks like a whale. You might be able to find it at (Maybe I'll be able to forward such things after I get fast Internet service!)

Also, Neil deGrasse Tyson appears in today's Parade magazine, but I don't think his essay there is as entertaining as his talk at TAM6, maybe because he knew his (smaller) audience better at the latter venue.

By JHebblethwaite (not verified) on 29 Jun 2008 #permalink

Sorry. In #90 in the last paragraph I should have said, "in last week's Parade magazine,".

By JHebblethwaite (not verified) on 30 Jun 2008 #permalink