I have been very, very bad. I have been neglecting my obligations as a member of the blogosphere to share links to interesting stuff, all because I've been busy with travel and work. I missed the Carnival of the Liberals, the Accretionary Wedge, I and the Bird, the Carnival of Space, and even the Carnival of the Godless. I am wicked, the worthless scum of the earth, a footling twallop who deserves your scorn and needs to be demoted.
But I'm trying to catch up! I promise I'll do better!
I also overlooked Revere's Sunday Sermonette, which I usually catch: the latest is a tribute to George Carlin, but even worse, I missed the one from the week before, which was about one of my comments. At least Revere understands what I meant when I compared religion to knitting.
I haven't had an open thread in a while, either. Go ahead, excoriate me.
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You still rule!!
We atheists are just evil. Proof right here! :D
Instead of tearing you down, I'll just build myself up. At a suggestion from Scott Hatfield, OM — suggestions always work best when I was already thinking along the same lines — I made PDF copies of a couple of my longer and better-received posts. As far as sops to vainglory go, it was pretty fun.
You're not PZ Myers, you're a very naughty boy!
Stupid ol' goofy-head!
I thought the whole mea culpa shpiel was a catholic penchant. Sure you aren't hiding something from us, PeeZed? Aside from the four tentacles, of course.
Speaking of PDFs of posts...
I have noticed, in my local libraries, copies of Darwin's Black Box, Icons of Evolution, and such.
I think it might be worthwhile to have the detailed analysis and debunking of their various respective nonsense claims available as PDFs that could be printed out, folded, and inserted into these books.
Makes sense?
Ethiopian woman spends 12 hours in Heaven
A new blog: The Black Atheist
You will take your beatings, sir!
10 lashes with a wet badger should teach you a lesson.
After that, there will be cake and coffee in the lounge afterwards because, if nothing else, we are a civilized bunch.
Far be it from me to disagree with PZ.
PZ, I'm praying for you while I knit.
I am wicked, the worthless scum of the earth, a footling twallop who deserves your scorn and needs to be demoted.
How about if you let us through pies at you like your students get to and we'll call it even. :)
Seems like Buddhism (as practiced in America) is like knitting.
Prayer response to gang warfare
Thanks for sharing the link love, PZ. Erm, I mean, I condemn you to hell for spreading such wicked lies of science!
(Thanks again ;)
Why flag burning is a bad idea
So, whenever I visit Bad Astronomy the favicon for Pharyngula in my bookmarks changes to the Bad Astronomy favicon. I don't recall seeing it happen before I upgraded to Fire Fox 3. What's the deal with that?
So, what about those Anglican's asploding? That's funny!
And the bigots are call "foca". Double funny
I am wicked, the worthless scum of the earth, a footling twallop who deserves your scorn and needs to be demoted.
hmm, something tells me it's:
"dress up for sado-masochism nite"
on the homefront...
Is the trophy wife going to break out the horsewhip tonight, I wonder?
I bet she has some good ideas on just how naughty little PZ has been...
From today's Sydney Morning Herald:
Evolution of the best idea that anyone has ever had.
Now this has me seriously pissed off. From the SMH:
Thou shalt not annoy on Youth Day.
Seems that our state government has passed laws that come into effect today to limit hijinks during the the World Youth Day love in. Even more draconian than the special laws for last year's APEC conference. Bastards. This is seriously fucked up.
Thanks for posting that. I especially like sentences such as: Quite simply, Darwin and Wallace destroyed the strongest evidence left in the 19th century for the existence of a deity.
All that is left is sophistry.
All that is left is sophistry.
technically, that's all there ever was.
what was destroyed wasn't "evidence", it was the veil obscuring the fact that there was no evidence to begin with.
what was destroyed was the recognition of sophistry AS evidence.
Actually probably makes that bumper sticker I found the other day illegal if I stuck it on my car for the next month or so.
What the hell is wrong with this country? We are in no way religious but we seem to have a problem with seeming to offend anybody, in particular the US pres (APEC) and the Catholic church (WYD).
I can only really guess at what effect the Darwin/Wallace findings (or popularisations) had on theists.
Having been fortunate enough (to my knowledge) to have never believed in god/s, to try and work out what it is that allows believers to believe (or proponenents to justify pushing) is always going to be guesswork on my part.
Dear Mr Myers,
Your comment about wanting religion to be like knitting really made me angry. I posted this video, which I hope you will review, to explain exactly why you are wrong in this comparison:
I hope you'll forgive my strong tone and language, Mr Myers, but I will knot stand for your sort of intolerance toward the humanities.
I will knot stand for your sort of intolerance toward the humanities.
could you expound on the Knitting Worldview for us in your next vid?
I have a feeling you could take that ball (of yarn) and run with it.
And there was the second Carnival of Elitist Bastards that you still haven't mentioned ... and that you promised to host next month (remind, remind!).
Howdy all respected Pharyngulites (that's most of you, by the way).
Over at my blog I've got a discussion kicking off in the comments section of one of my posts (here)with a guy who says he will provide rational proofs of the christian God - he chimes in at comment 2 and we get to the meat by comment 8 and 9. I think his arguments are rather silly but my knowledge of philosophy is strictly amateur at best. If anyone wants to come on over and tell him/me where we're going wrong, that would be appreciated.
Is an appeal for help blog-whoring? Should I feel dirty?
Keep up the good work PZ, and don't be too hard on yourself - I don't see how you find time in the day for everything you do here.
Lee @ 31
Unfortunately, I don't have time (mostly down to this blog and work), so I will have to decline.
You are not blog whoring, you are calling in the cavalry in the fight for rationality. Hopefully help is on the way.
PZ, I understand how you feel. Don't feel guilty, leave that to the Catholics.
O Capitan my Capitan! There may be mutiny on the HMS Elitist Bastard if you don't announce Carnival of the Elitist Bastards #2. We've got John up above imploring your aid, and Ames is pulling long faces over at the docks. The rest of the crew can't be far behind. We need ye!
PZ, I'm afraid you're missing a crucial difference: You can actually get something useful from knitting.
Your voice is lovely.
Two things you might like to hear:
Dr. Henry Morgentaler, the premier champion of women's right to safe, legal abortion in Canada, received the Order of Canada today. It's an honour for making the country a better place.
And the Canadian Armed Forces came to the Gay Pride parade in Toronto last Sunday.
C'mon, guys, catch up!