Back home at last

I motored into my driveway at 1am last night, after a long day and a long flight from LA. And now you expect me to start blogging again? You people are so demanding.

Oh, well, it was a fun weekend, and you can see some of it already on the web. That wild man Scooter was there, and he made an audio recording of my talk at Libros Revolución. There was a good crowd there, including lots of Pharyngula regulars, and it wasn't your usual 'guy lectures at mob' sort of thing — it was more like a comment thread here. People kept interrupting me and throwing out their own ideas. I'd come with a fairly long and detailed set of notes, and I ended up just throwing them away and mostly winging it to keep up with all the input. It was a blast — I wish all my talks would go that way.

And if you're just so dang tired of listening to me all the time, Scooter also interviewed Sastra. She talks just like she writes, did you know that?


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First in! ..which is a first!

[Sastra] talks just like she writes, did you know that?

In grad school one of my professors returned a paper to me with the comment, "You write exactly like you talk, or vice versa." One of my classmates said, "Yeah, but is that a good thing?"

Fortunately, in Sastra's case, we know that it is.

Snap to it! You can sleep when you die.*

(dumbest concept ever)*

Don't you mean 1am this morning? It was a new day, so there should have been a new post written up right then and there. Where have your manners gone, young man?

You people are so demanding.

What exactly do you mean by you people?


Glad the scooter man and family made it thru the storm(great pics btw) and is out and about again !
That talk was well and truly like a comment threat,quite interesting too.
Going to listen to Sastra now.

Silly question, maybe, but is the talk online anywhere?

By Richard Lumb (not verified) on 29 Sep 2008 #permalink

WTF Scooter? Sastra's interview works, but PZ's doesn't. Did Big Bad Bill hack it, or is it the debble?

Whew. Good times, good times. Motored home in your roadster, did you? Ever feel you're morphing into Nancy Drew's father?

Speaking of: How are things going with your father-in-law and the rest of the family? Our best to them, however it goes.

@ Patricia: I'm at work, so I can't play the mp3, but one does exist at that url. (36 meg in size!)

But remember, it's a file download, not a stream. So if you're not doing "Save as," try that.

I don't know if this was the first public announcement, but I was glad to hear that you're working on a book, PZ!

Patricia @ 11

It works, I swear. Tell me what software and computer you're using and 'll try to help you out. If you download it first it will definitely work.

Hey Just John @ 13 haven't seen you here before, now you're going to find out where I've been stealing all my material for the past six months.

Here is the photo essay Ike Carrumba from the home front.

Ichthyic @ 15

Great Photos, most of mine came out fuzz. That beautiful woman in the photo is the wife of my scientist friend from UCLA that I introduced to yall.

BTW I think "Personal Jesus" was Marilyn Manson, we named our ferret after Marilyn Manson.

grad school one of my professors returned a paper to me with the comment, "You write exactly like you talk, or vice versa." One of my classmates said, "Yeah, but is that a good thing?"