
I'm going to be in Toronto this weekend, and everyone wants a piece of me. I'll tell you right now that I'm letting Larry Moran referee some of my time. I'm getting into Toronto in the early afternoon, checking into my hotel, and going off with Larry and a few other people for dinner before my talk. And then there's a catered reception at 6, the talk, and then free time afterwards — go ahead, drag me off somewhere nearby and force me to drink that dangerous Canadian beer.

On Saturday afternoon, I'll be at the University of Guelph for an informal discussion, so you can ask me questions there. Once again, afterwards I believe is fairly wide open, although I do want to spend some time with the Gregory lab…but I'm sure we can arrange something for the evening.

By the way, Skatje will be with me, and will be there at Guelph for the Q&A. I think the students at those universities might have plans for her, but you can also meet up with the godless daughter at these events.

More like this

I'm traveling to Fargo on Wednesday for a series of events. I think I know what I'm doing, so let me spell out as much as I know. On Wednesday at 6:00, I'll be speaking at Minnesota State University Moorhead, in room 118 in the Science Lab building, on the subject of "Darwin and Design". Wednesday…
I may be getting too old for this. Yesterday, I finished up teaching at 1 in the afternoon, then had to leap into the Pharyngulamobile and drive, drive, drive to Minneapolis. I got together with Lynn Fellman and Greg Laden for a hasty dinner before I had to go move my car and park prior to Richard…
So … this weekend, we had an odd and informal secret meeting of the SciBlings in New York City. This was nothing official, it's like a whole bunch of the bloggers here decided they ought to get together some time, and a plan slowly crystallized and the precipitate settled out on NYC. It was decided…
The mild nausea I mentioned earlier? Gone now, it seems to have vanished as soon as I disposed of the wretched rag Answers in Genesis sent me. It's a good thing, too, because I have a frantic weekend ahead of me. Today and tomorrow, I'm pounding the keyboard to prepare a couple of talks. At least…

As a Guelphie, I am pretty danged excited for this, and if there is the possibility of a meet-up after, I would definitely be in.
I might even be able to drag a cohort of people dressed up in Lovecraft-inspired costumes from the night before along.

This lurker is pretty excited for the Guelph discussion as well! Also that the start of me reading this blog corresponded so nicely with your appearance at my school.

Speaking of Toronto, today's Globe & Mail carries a report about the torture killing by Islamists of a woman for alleged adulatory. A child was also killed, accidentally, by gunfire. The woman was stoned until dead. But what the heck was a child doing there?

I am disgusted that the Globe & Mail has apparently censored comments on this article. No doubt many were derogatory.

AN umbrella organization of Islamic States is trying to get the UN to ban criticism of Islam. Meanwhile, believers in this barbaric religion behave like ... well, barbarians. As far as I'm concerned, the Globe & Mail is guilty of encouraging them. I'm almost ashamed to be Canadian.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

I am looking forward to the Toronto talk. I am something of a hermit, so it will be good to get out and meet some new folks. So, any Torontonians reading this, say hi to the chick with the Cthuluhu backpack.

By Linnifred (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

I'm coming down from Ottawa for the event, and will be at Prof. Moran's pre-lecture get-together too. I'm looking forward to finally meeting you and your daughter. I know that there will be a few other Ottawa Pharyngulites there too.

Wanna do something kerazy? Hopefully I'll get into the speech, but seeing as you'e talking on Hallowe'en, you should totally run up the street and see me and others make fools of ourselves at the 11:30 Rocky Horror Pictue Show.

There are also lots of bars around there, so you can even do BOTH.

Looking forward to Friday, PZ!

By theShaggy (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

I apologize for using the word "kerazy." It was not my greatest decision.

By theShaggy (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

I'd be glad to drag you out for some beer, but you should pick a place in advance: your speaking venue is more or less equidistant from the best beer bars in the city.

Have a look

By haelduksf (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

Of the beer bars mentioned, I think that only Mill Street, C'Est What, Granite Brewery, and Steam Whistle brew their own. And of those I prefer C'Est What. Although it is a bit of a trot from the Centre for Inquiry.

Of the beer bars mentioned, I think that only Mill Street, C'Est What, Granite Brewery, and Steam Whistle brew their own. And of those I prefer C'Est What. Although it is a bit of a trot from the Centre for Inquiry.


You never come to Chicago...

I still have to buy you a drink for helping us out with our physics conference... so let me know where you are going to be going for the drinking!

I recommend Mill Street's Tankhouse Ale; currently my favourite and most dangerous beer...

In Guelph, you should visit the Woolwich Arms - great selection of Wellington Brewery beers...

I hope you meet up with Kirk Durston while you're there so you can mock him.

If we're going to go all Jets and Sharks with the creationists at the U of Gu I'll be there!

Well, OK, I'll be there even if you're just going to give a polite chat with some Q&A and maybe light snacks, but one can dream...

Looking forward to seeing you there PZ! It will be the best Halloween I've had in years now that I've scared all the little kids away. Those crackers really are good for something.

Second the Woolwich Arms for Guelph. I also have a thing for the Pennywhistle, which is nearby. Other Guelph people have suggestions?

Guelph on Saturday afternoon.. excellent. I can't be there on Friday and thought i was going to have to miss you. Will the Saturday talk be in anyway a repeat of Friday's subject?
I'm thinking of bringing my 12 year old daughter. A good idea or not?

Yay! This should be headlined on the cover of the Toronto Sun.

By baryogenesis (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

Aw, I wish I could be there, would be great for my birthday. Born and raised in Toronto, did my undergrad at Guelph, even had histology in Thornborough 1200!
(PS The Pennywhistle has sweet potato fries, I'm just saying. Used to walk past the Wooly everyday but I never actually went in and ate there)

Seriously PZed, you need to come out to Melbourne

By Anna Yeung (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

Ha! Sounds like there will be two Geoff's at the event. Some friend and I are driving up from the Sarnia area. Woo!

By Geoff Core (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

Coming down from Dryden, Ontario (north of Morris) for a meeting and Friday night was a choice of PZ or Second City. No problem with that one. See you there.

Happy to see you'll be in Guelph, PZ! It's a bit closer to my stomping grounds (Waterloo), so I hope to see you Saturday.

*sigh* I guess this is the closest you'll ever be to me in eastern Maine - 12 hours away in Toronto. Sounds like a great time, though!

By Kiltedbrick (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

OK - you need to go to Mississauga. Follow the directions to Lester B. Pearson Airport. Board a plane headed west. Get off the plane in Vancouver.

Call me, I'll pick you up, take you to some fine brew pubs.

I'll even bring a squid.

By CanadianChick (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

Please tell me you're going to come back this way sometime sooner or later, PZ. I was all fired up to go, but I had to spend about a squillion dollars this month, and it's gonna cost me about a hundred and fifty bucks to do the trip (this is what happens when you don't drive, dammit), and I just don't feel I can justify the expense right now. :(

*sulk sulk sulk sulk sulk*

By Interrobang (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

I will be coming to Edmonton and Calgary around the end of January.

Everyone who wants me to come to their city just needs to get in touch with me, and pay my travel costs. I am so easy.

I second Interrobang's request. I have to be in Kingston, Ontario that day (about a three hour drive from Toronto) and am going to try to make it to the talk and the pub night, but in case traffic is too bad or I'm too tired, you really should schedule another Toronto date soon.

I promise I'll knit you a squid-themed toque and possibly matching mittens if you do.

Guest lecture at the University of Waterloo, imo.

I second #37.

It looks like my Halloween plans might fall through. If they do, I'll definitely come to the talk on Friday.

By Adrian W. (not verified) on 29 Oct 2008 #permalink

I was all fired up to go, but I had to spend about a squillion dollars this month, and it's gonna cost me about a hundred and fifty bucks to do the trip (this is what happens when you don't drive, dammit), and I just don't feel I can justify the expense right now. :(

" Posted by: PZ Myers | October 28, 2008 11:15 PM

I will be coming to Edmonton and Calgary around the end of January.

Everyone who wants me to come to their city just needs to get in touch with me, and pay my travel costs. I am so easy."

Then I WILL fire up the BBQ for you.

I am disgusted that the Globe & Mail has apparently censored comments on this article. No doubt many were derogatory.

The Globe and Mail is probably afraid of being hauled in front of the CHRC.

Hey PZ,

So why exactly are we visiting Toronto about two years after I left the place? And why is CFI taunting me with spam about your visit? Are you guys just trying to rub it in that I should've accepted my UofToronto sholarship and stayed the hell away from BC? Come on, I KNOW that already!

This is rediculous. I demand a refund. Or something.

Or at least a visit to Vancouver ^_~
