Chumbawamba drinks a toast to Charlie

All of nature in its place
By hand of the designer
Comes our Charlie spins the world
From here to Asia Minor
In between the Platypus
And perfect Aphrodite
Charlie come with opposing thumb
To question the Almighty

Over the river and over the sea
Through holy storm and thunder
Steer a course for a brave new world
Of common sense and wonder

See the dancing President
The congressman and teacher
Jumpin' to the music of
The wealthy Midwest preacher
Charlie come with a brand new dance
Get on the floor and follow
Find yourself a partner and
We'll swing into tomorrow

Over the river and over the sea
Through holy storm and thunder
Steer a course for a brave new world
Of common sense and wonder

Armed with truth we're stepping out
Come join the worldwide party
Charge your glass and face the world
We'll drink a toast to Charlie

Over the river and over the sea
Through holy storm and thunder
Steer a course for a brave new world
Of common sense and wonder.

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By rickflick (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Was it my imagination, or did they sneak a little bit of "I get knocked down" in there right before the last verse?

By Blaise Pascal (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

That was fun!

By Die Anyway (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Fabulous, thanks!

Chumbawumba's newest cd, The Boy Bands Have Won, is actually a pretty amazing cd. For those of you who only know their hit 10 yrs ago (Thubthumping), you wont believe it's the same band.

Thanks for this - I heard the song on the Guardian's science podcast, but lost the reference. Nw I'll track it down.

I hadn't been too happy with their acoustic forays - well, the English Rebel Songs album was pretty okay, actually. But I kinda liked their popish-yet-Anarchist music of yore. You know, the stuff that didn't make them famous. ;)

DENVER -- A controversial billboard will likely be popping up in a neighborhood near you, just in time for the holidays.

The billboard is paid for by a Colorado atheist group. The message sits against a blue sky backdrop and says, "Don't believe in God? You're not alone."

Ten billboards will pepper metro Denver, while one will be put up in Colorado Springs...

"The Bible is being fulfilled. It says that in latter days, you have all these kinds of things coming up, trying to disrupt the validity of Christianity," Johnson said. "If they don't believe in God, how do they believe they came about? We denounce what they are doing. But we do it with love, with gentleness, with decency and with compassion."

"The Bible is being fulfilled. It says that in latter days, you have all these kinds of things coming up, trying to disrupt the validity of Christianity,"

The bible predicts billboards? That's amazing!

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Now I bet Cuttlefish could do better than this - come on, show us yer skills Cuttle!

By Your Mighty Overload (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

"We denounce what they are doing. But we do it with love, with gentleness, with decency and with compassion."


Sorry, I have nothing to add, really, it's just hilarious.

PZ, I'm impressed you would post a Chumbawumba video. However, they did abandon their anarchist roots which I will always feel bitter for.


Exactly. So we should kick them in the shins.

You know. With gentleness, with decency, and with compassion.

I've never been a fan of Chumbawumba, but I gotta admit, it's a catching little tune. There have been many anti-religious songs, but I can't recall any that were so Darwinian in nature. Would have sounded better if Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead was growling those lyrics.

By Helioprogenus (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Aaah, Chumbawamba. I do believe that another song of theirs, "We don't go to God's House Anymore", was an important element in my, er, spiritual development*. And it's a damn good song. The only album of theirs I have is actually the Uneasy Listening compilation, but that's got a nice little blurb for each song explaining the background and the context of the album it's taken from.

* away from religion and other "spiritual" bollocks, that is. Also instrumental in that was Douglas Adams's essay/speech on why he's an atheist.

Nice tune... not at all what I expected based on their one hit.

KC I know what you mean. This song doesn't surprise me, not after We Don't Go To God's House from the Jesus H Christ album. I agree though that they don't quite fit their new folkie mode.

By Peter Ashby (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink


Steer a course for a brave new world
Of common sense and wonder

Give me back my broken night
my mirrored room, my secret life
it's lonely here, there's no one left to torture

Give me absolute control
over every living soul
And lie beside me, baby, that's an order!

Give me crack and anal sex
Take the only tree that's left
and stuff it up the hole in your culture

Give me back the Berlin wall
give me Stalin and St Paul
I've seen the future, brother: it is murder.

Things are going to slide, slide in all directions
Won't be nothing, nothing you can measure anymore
The blizzard, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold
and it's overturned the order of the soul ...

You don't know me from the wind
you never will, you never did
I'm the little Jew who wrote the Bible

I've seen the nations rise and fall
I've heard their stories, heard them all
but love's the only engine of survival

Your servant here, he has been told
to say it clear, to say it cold:
It's over, it ain't going any further

And now the wheels of heaven stop
you feel the devil's riding crop
Get ready for the future: it is murder

There'll be the breaking of the ancient Western code
Your private life will suddenly explode
There'll be phantoms, there'll be fires on the road
and the white man dancing

You'll see a woman hanging upside down
her features covered by her fallen gown
and all the lousy little poets coming round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson
and the white man dancin'

Give me back the Berlin wall
Give me Stalin and St Paul
Give me Christ or give me Hiroshima

Destroy another fetus now
We don't like children anyhow
I've seen the future, baby: it is murder

When they said REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT
I wonder what they meant?

-- Leonard Cohen, "The Future"

By Piltdown Man (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

... For those of you who only know their hit 10 yrs ago (Thubthumping), you wont believe it's the same band.

That's me, and I didn't. While it's a definite improvement (I really, really, really hated Tubthumping), it sounds a little too much like it should be in A Mighty Wind. I say this as a fan of bluegrass and folk music.

@Piltdown Man #20: That's great song, but what's the point of posting it in full?

I love chumbawamba too but was torn between the sentiment of 'give the anarchist a cigarette' and my anti-smoking stance. Nothing's perfect.

Slightly off topic for this post but on topic for pharyngula generally: Last week I went to a concert organised by Threads of Sound. Their flyer featured this great picture;

Does anyone know who it's by?
Apart from the obvious; that it's an octopus rather than a squid, you can see that the larger tentacle pads are at least as big as the human figures on deck of the ship.
Is this realistic? I mean, when these animals get larger, do the pads get larger too or do they grow more of them?

That's great song, but what's the point of posting it in full?

Pilt takes it all deadly seriously. He's an anti-modernist who hates the very idea that humans might possibly progress without the Roman Catholic Church providing guidance — and setting dissidents on fire.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Give me back my broken night
my mirrored room, my secret life
it's lonely here, there's no one left to torture

Give me absolute control
over every living soul
And lie beside me, baby, that's an order!

Give me crack and anal sex
Take the only tree that's left
and stuff it up the hole in your culture

Pilty, thanks for the objective view of the Roman Catholic Church!

Piltdown Man @ 20:

[full lyrics to Leonard Cohen's The Future]

This tune, from the same album, may put Pilty on the fainting couch:
Closing Time

An excerpt:

Ah we're drinking and we're dancing
and the band is really happening
and the Johnny Walker wisdom running high
And my very sweet companion
she's the Angel of Compassion
she's rubbing half the world against her thigh
And every drinker every dancer
lifts a happy face to thank her
the fiddler fiddles something so sublime
all the women tear their blouses off
and the men they dance on the polka-dots
and it's partner found, it's partner lost
and it's hell to pay when the fiddler stops:

Leeds band!!

I like this one more:

I wont believe in heaven and hell.
No saints, no sinners,
No devil as well.
No pearly gates, no thorny crown.
You're always letting us humans down.
The wars you bring, the babes you drown.
Those lost at sea and never found,
And it's the same the whole world round.
The hurt I see helps to compound,
That the father, son and holy ghost,
Is just somebody's unholy hoax,
And if you're up there you'll perceive,
That my heart's here upon my sleeve.
If there's one thing I don't believe in...
It's you,
Dear god.

XTC, Dear God

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Give me back my broken night
my mirrored room, my secret life
it's lonely here, there's no one left to torture

Give me absolute control
over every living soul
And lie beside me, baby, that's an order!

Take my home, take my land,
take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care, I'm still free,
you can't take the sky from me.

it's lonely here, there's no one left to torture

Give me absolute control
over every living soul

- Piltdown Scumbag, quoting Leonard Cohen

We have here Scumbag's philosophy in a nutshell.

When I saw the title of this post, I thought "Charlie" must refer to Charlie Windsor, self-styled "Prince of Wales" and "Heir to the throne", who is 60 this week. Phew - at least Chumbawamba haven't sold out that completely!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Interesting lyrics. Horrible song.

By One Eyed Jack (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

It's 2008, right?.....I prefer Greydon Square to this, and I'm "old"

By Realist Golfer (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Ah, Chumbawamba. I remember them from when they used to tour with The Levellers .....

I also remember playing the B-side of the "Tubthumping" 45 (it's a song called "Farewell to the Crown") at full volume on my Seeburg ELPC-1 on the morning of 1 September 1997.

Nice that's someone's written a protest song about Charles Darwin. Anyone know of any protest songs against stupid American measurements? We only learned metres, litres and kilos when I was at school .....

Let's all go to Piltdown's house for a party. Yeeha!

Perhaps not, it would be as dead as heaven on a Saturday night.

Way to rock the recorder.

Stained glass windows keep the cold outside
While the hypocrites hide inside
With the lies of statues in their minds
Where the Christian religion made them blind
Where they hide
And prey to the God of a bitch spelled backwards is dog
Not for one race, one creed, one world
But for money

Do you pray to the Holy Ghost when you suck your host
Do you read who's dead in the Irish Post
Do you give away the cash you cant afford
On bended knees and pray to lord

Fat pig priest
Sanctimonious smiles
He takes the money
You take the lies
This is religion and Jesus Christ
This is religion cheaply priced
This is bibles full of libel
This is sin in eternal hymn
This is what they've done
This is your religion
The apostles were eleven
Now theres a sod in Heaven

This is religion
There's a liar on the altar
The sermon never falter
This is religion
Your religion

Religion I/II, Public Image Ltd.

John Lydon does everything better.

Um... In what respect, Charlie?

By FactsDontMatter (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I first got into this band because of a double cd they released. With Noam Chomsky.

Showbusiness! is my favorite album, but Wysiwyg also good and has the line "You can buy your friends/But I'll hate you for free."

and AK Press rocks, and they're very cool people - I used to sell their stuff when I owned a bookstore.

I like AK Press.

antireligious songs are a dime a dozen but pro evolution songs are much rarer or even those that mention evolution, Darwin or primates. I've always wanted to compile a CD of evolutionary based songs and suggestions are always welcome. List includes; revolution-Beatles, man on the moon-REM, monkey to man-E. Costello, Mammal-TMBG, Monkey man-Toots among many others, Mr. Stupid-R. Thompson, Gorilla you're a desperado-W. Zevon, Money for nothing-Dire Straits, Boy in the bubble P. Simon among others, apeman-kinks, alley oop-hollywood argyles, superman song-crashtest dummies, monkey time-major lance. There must be more out there. TPFD.

By the pro from dover (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

pcarini @26:

This tune, from the same album, may put Pilty on the fainting couch:
Closing Time

Oh I don't know ...

"So we struggle and we stagger
down the snakes and up the ladder
to the tower where the blessed hours chime ...
Yeah I missed you since the place got wrecked
By the winds of change and the weeds of sex
looks like freedom but it feels like death
it's something in between, I guess

By Piltdown Man (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

spgreenlaw @ 37:

John Lydon does everything better.

About time the inventor of the spunk sandwich was admitted into the Atheists' Hall of Fame:

"I got no emotions for anybody else
You better understand Im in love with my self
My beautiful self

I look around your house, you got nothing to steal
I kick you in the brains when you get down to kneel
To pray, you pray to your god

No feelings, no feelings
No feelings for anybody else
Exept for my self"

Credit where's it's due, though, Bodies is great ...

By Piltdown Man (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Nick Gotts @ 31:

We have here Scumbag's philosophy in a nutshell.

"Where figures from the past stand tall
And mocking voices ring the hall,
Imperialistic house of prayer -
Conquistadors who took their share!
They keep calling me ..."

Do I belong to some ancient race?
I like to walk in ancient places
These are the things that I can understand.
I don't believe in your modern ways
Don't care about the things you say,
Your policies have failed the test of time ..."

By Piltdown Man (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

This is fun!

"Well we know what makes the flowers grow, but we don't know why
And we all have the knowledge of DNA, but we still die
We perch so thin and fragile here upon the land
And the earth that moves beneath us, we don't understand
So we rush towards the judgement day, when she reclaims
A toast to the Luddite martyrs, then, who died in vain
Down at the lab they're working still, finishing off
How do we tell the people in the white coats enough is enough? "

"Faster, faster, like a whirling dervish spinning round
Faster, faster, until the centre cannot hold
You screamed 'give us liberty or give us death'
Now you've got both - what do you want next ?
Here comes the war!
Put out the lights on the Age of Reason!"

By Piltdown Man (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Big Chumbawamba fans at our house. Fascinating band. Fascinating ethic.

By Somnolent Aphid (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Yeah, Steve C, he's a shadow of his former self. I can't hate him though, PIL and the Pistols gave my lethargic teenage ass a major kick in the butt. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

That made me smile. :)

Most music about religion and humanism, I'm afraid, is suffocatingly preachy. But that was a wonderful little tune that sends a positive message without being heavy-handed. Catchy, too!

I don't believe in your modern ways

I didn't know you could comment here using smoke signals.

Pilty, in his ignorance, quoted lyrics from Joy Division's Dead Souls - if Ian Curtis was a christian he wasn't a very good one, since he committed suicide, a mortal sin to a god-soaked loon like Pilty; also, the song was covered for the soundtrack to The Crow by Nine Inch Nails - whose singer, Trent Reznor, writes lyrics like Your god is dead and no-one cares.

And, of course, it references conquistadores - aka catholics who raped and murdered thousands for the glory of their bloodthirsty god.

Bwahahahahaaa! Nice one, Pilty!

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I like Chris Smither's song. Is it on a CD? I must have monkey wash somewhere already in my collection. Thanks for the help. Also as far as apes are concerned I don't have any song about gibbons altho Billy is the singer/guitarist in ZZ top, that doesn't really count. TPFD.

By the pro from dover (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

I like Chris Smither's song. Is it on a CD?

The song is on his 2006 album "Leave the Light On." Check out Most everything he has ever recorded is brilliant -- nobody does that style better.

Here's another Smither video that's well done and interesting.

"Posted by: the pro from dover | November 17, 2008 4:10 PM

antireligious songs are a dime a dozen but pro evolution songs are much rarer or even those that mention evolution, Darwin or primates. I've always wanted to compile a CD of evolutionary based songs and suggestions are always welcome. "
The swedish entertainer & pianist Povel Ramel had the song "Digga Darwin"("Dig Darwin")which can be heard at top file
the text goes, in a rough & ready line-by-line translation, with the backing singers in brackets:
Dig Darwin
(Text & music: Povel Ramel)

Dig Darwin, dig Darwin
Dig Darwin, dig Darwin...
This man, (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Ohh, this man, (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
We dig Charlie Darwin and his theory of evolutioni
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

He made an amazing discovery (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
He found we are all related (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
From monkeys you have come, and monkey you shall always be.
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

He sat in his chamber, puulled on his sideburns
And thought Adam Eve, /oh there must be something wrong/ (in english in the original)
That fairy tale is beuttiful, but illogical and narrow
I prefer to believe in a natural razzmatazz
A chain from the dawn of life until today
From the first paramecium(literally: slipper animal) unto dad and mom, and then me
Yes, devils in the firestove, a tempting idea(literally: a bribing idea)
We are soldiers in the same army
Monkey or man must be a coincidence,
I think I will put it down on a note.

Said this man(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Ohh this man (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
We dig Charlie Darwin and his theory of evolutioni
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

The amoeba got a fin(Mmm)
Became a little fish (Aha!)
The fish got little legs, crawled ashore at its own risk(Naaw)
It pondered: /"So far so good"/(in english in the original) but what am I gonna become now?
Lizard or bird, maybe mammoth or wilderbeest(Hallelulyah)
When it had passed (Mmm)
the great sieve of nature(Oiii)
It had become a worldly lot of animals all over the place
Some were frozen in development (Mmm)
Other sat in trees (Wow!)
danglinmg among the branches, grew longer arms and legs(Oi!)
One fell to the ground (Mmmm)
Finally got to his legs (naaw)
Got glasses and a moustache, see, here we got uncle Knut!

(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Ohh this man (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
We dig Charlie Darwin and his theory of evolutioni
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

Two small organismans were once swimming in the ocean
He wanted to be hers, she wanted to be his
A third came swimming, weak as a blancmange
Was shoved aside and did kinda not join in
This, my friends, are called selection
Inherited traits are changed through mutation
he has the greater chance to get ahead in the queue
Is that which is optimally fitted to its own enviroment
His possibilites to heighten his frequency within the population in the next generation is great,
:recitation ends:
So eat your breakfast(literally: porridge), mind your body and honour your dad and mom!

!(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Ohh this man (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
We dig Charlie Darwin and his theory of evolutioni
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

Ohh, such an amazing discovery (Dig darwin, dig Darwin)
He found we are all related ((Dig darwin, dig Darwin)
From monkeys you have come, and monkey you shall always be
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

This man(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Oh, this man (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
What a man (Dig Darwin, d-i-g D-a-r-w-i-n)

A s-c-i-e-n-t-i-f-i-f-i-c s-u-c-c-e-s-s!

Now , if that is a not a celebration of Darwin, what is?

By Prometevsberg (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Posted by: the pro from dover | November 17, 2008 4:10 PM

antireligious songs are a dime a dozen but pro evolution songs are much rarer or even those that mention evolution, Darwin or primates. I've always wanted to compile a CD of evolutionary based songs and suggestions are always welcome. "
The swedish entertainer & pianist Povel Ramel had the song "Digga Darwin"("Dig Darwin")which can be heard at top file
the text goes, in a rough & ready line-by-line translation, with the backing singers in brackets:
Dig Darwin
(Text & music: Povel Ramel)

Dig Darwin, dig Darwin
Dig Darwin, dig Darwin...
This man, (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Ohh, this man, (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
We dig Charlie Darwin and his theory of evolutioni
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

He made an amazing discovery (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
He found we are all related (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
From monkeys you have come, and monkey you shall always be.
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

He sat in his chamber, puulled on his sideburns
And thought Adam Eve, /oh there must be something wrong/ (in english in the original)
That fairy tale is beuttiful, but illogical and narrow
I prefer to believe in a natural razzmatazz
A chain from the dawn of life until today
From the first paramecium(literally: slipper animal) unto dad and mom, and then me
Yes, devils in the firestove, a tempting idea(literally: a bribing idea)
We are soldiers in the same army
Monkey or man must be a coincidence,
I think I will put it down on a note.

Said this man(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Ohh this man (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
We dig Charlie Darwin and his theory of evolutioni
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

The amoeba got a fin(Mmm)
Became a little fish (Aha!)
The fish got little legs, crawled ashore at its own risk(Naaw)
It pondered: /"So far so good"/(in english in the original) but what am I gonna become now?
Lizard or bird, maybe mammoth or wilderbeest(Hallelulyah)
When it had passed (Mmm)
the great sieve of nature(Oiii)
It had become a worldly lot of animals all over the place
Some were frozen in development (Mmm)
Other sat in trees (Wow!)
danglinmg among the branches, grew longer arms and legs(Oi!)
One fell to the ground (Mmmm)
Finally got to his legs (naaw)
Got glasses and a moustache, see, here we got uncle Knut!

(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Ohh this man (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
We dig Charlie Darwin and his theory of evolutioni
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

Two small organismans were once swimming in the ocean
He wanted to be hers, she wanted to be his
A third came swimming, weak as a blancmange
Was shoved aside and did kinda not join in
This, my friends, are called selection
Inherited traits are changed through mutation
he has the greater chance to get ahead in the queue
Is that which is optimally fitted to its own enviroment
His possibilites to heighten his frequency within the population in the next generation is great,
:recitation ends:
So eat your breakfast(literally: porridge), mind your body and honour your dad and mom!

!(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Ohh this man (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
This man, who found how it all hangs together,(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
We dig Charlie Darwin and his theory of evolutioni
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

Ohh, such an amazing discovery (Dig darwin, dig Darwin)
He found we are all related ((Dig darwin, dig Darwin)
From monkeys you have come, and monkey you shall always be
Hey, dig dig you, dig dig you, dig dig Darwin

This man(Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
Oh, this man (Dig Darwin, dig Darwin)
What a man (Dig Darwin, d-i-g D-a-r-w-i-n)

A s-c-i-e-n-t-i-f-i-f-i-c s-u-c-c-e-s-s!

Now , if that is a not a celebration of Darwin, what is?

By Prometevsberg (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

oops, please delete double post...

By Prometevsberg (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

The swedish entertainer & pianist Povel Ramel had the song "Digga Darwin"

WTF, why didn't I hear about this before?? "Kalle Darwin" LOL :)

Wowbagger @52:

if Ian Curtis was a christian he wasn't a very good one

Never said he was.

... since he committed suicide, a mortal sin

Let's hope he repented at the last minute!

(Of course since rock music perpetually oscillates between egotistic hedonism and nihilistic despair, it's not surprising its practitioners so often come to a bad end.)

also, the song was covered for the soundtrack to The Crow by Nine Inch Nails - whose singer, Trent Reznor, writes lyrics like Your god is dead and no-one cares.

A truly terrible cover version - all whiny nasal 'American-Satanist' vocals. Great movie though.

And, of course, it references conquistadores - aka catholics who raped and murdered thousands for the glory of their bloodthirsty god.

"History is a collection of lies statesmen have agreed upon." - Napoleon.

By Piltdown Man (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

"History is a collection of lies statesmen have agreed upon." - Napoleon.

Looks like you're repudiating Catholicism, then, seeing that theologians and clerics are statesmen for the Church.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

They got Charles Darwin trapped out there on Highway Five
Judge says to the High Sheriff,
"I want him dead or alive
Either one, I don't care ..."

By Piltdown Man (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

They got Charles Darwin trapped out there on Highway Five
Judge says to the High Sheriff,
"I want him dead or alive
Either one, I don't care ..."

For someone who rejects modernism, you sure are familiar with modern music. And with Freemasonry, come to think of it. And with other works that would clearly belong on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, if it still existed.

Good thing the modern Church is all mushy and humanistic and liberal, or you might find yourself coming to the attention of the Holy Office.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

..and before i forget it, the swedish drinking song, "Natural selection", winner of the 2001 national competition for new drinking songs,taken from where you also see a picture of the proud winner, Rolf Malmström, of Örkelljunga

Det naturliga urvalet
Melodi: Skånska slott och herresäten

När Darwin studerade liv i naturen
Så fann han att först dör de svagaste djuren
De sämsta bland hjärnceller dör också först
Så öka din IQ och minska din törst.

badly & quicly translated into doggerel it goes:

When Darwin studied life natures way
He found that first the weakest animals die
the worst of the brains cells also die first
So heighten you IQ and lessen your thirst

By Prometevsberg (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

Pilty, are you claiming that members of the Spanish forces didn't rape or murder anyone during the colonisation of South America? Not one member of any of the South American native peoples? That absolutely everything in this article is false?

Or are you claiming the Spanish of the time weren't Catholics? Or perhaps they weren't - wait for it - True Catholics™?

If so, then you really have lost the plot - if, that is, you ever posessed it.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

pro from dover @ 54, have you never heard "The Funky Gibbon" by the Goodies??

They were approximate contemporaries of Monty Python but enjoyed only minor success on this side of the Pond. (The fragmentary ornithologist reference at the beginning of this clip refers to the fact that Goodies member Bill Oddie is a rabid birder.)

Nice choice of Smither video, hedberg. I saw him in concert for the fourth time a year ago Monday - still as awesome as ever.

I would never expect to convert anyone here.

Posted by: Wowbagger | November 16, 2008 11:35 PM

"The Bible is being fulfilled. It says that in latter days, you have all these kinds of things coming up, trying to disrupt the validity of Christianity,"
The bible predicts billboards? That's amazing!

Look at the verses below.. this is what the writer was trying to say. The bible does not mention billboards but it says . . .
2Pe 3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
2Pe 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

"Willingly ignorant" Ignorant = lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified. Willingly = accepted by choice or without reluctance.
In laymens terms - dumb on purpose

By Robert Martin (not verified) on 27 Dec 2008 #permalink