French cephalopod porn

This movie of mating octopuses is beautiful…but the narrator speaks in this husky French voice that makes it sound horribly lewd, like a dirty old man. Even better!

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You're full of it today PZ!

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 26 Apr 2009 #permalink

Well you know what they say, nature shows god's love. Or perhaps another way of putting it, his attempted rape.

The IDiots may be odious, but they do seem to be moving away from the idea of a beneficent god, officially.

I suppose one should listen to them at their churches, though, since if they can force science to encompass theology, they can turn around and force theology to accept once more that god is love, no matter the brief lapse necessary to re-theologize society.

Glen D

"There's no officially sanctioned position for doing that"

As long as the Redhead doesn't bop me, who cares...

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 26 Apr 2009 #permalink

Nerd - I thought she just threatened you with sharp sticks when you got gruesome.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 26 Apr 2009 #permalink


By PathseekerKen (not verified) on 26 Apr 2009 #permalink

"his special arm"

Nerd - I thought she just threatened you with sharp sticks when you got gruesome.

She doesn't carry her needles to our water bed (her idea) for obvious reasons... ;)

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 26 Apr 2009 #permalink

I'm lovin this Wikipedia bit on "Octopus" :

"It is believed that in thousands of years from now during the process of evolution octopi will adapt to a dryer environment such as our land for instance. Climbing and swinging from trees will be the main form of transporation."

Re; Wikipedia article on octopi:

Wow. Someone's been taking Dougal Dixon's books a little too literally.

Not that arboreal octopi would be a bad thing ... start typing the screenplay now ...

I was wondering where the idea for tree octopi came from. I was thinking D&D - heck, it's probably in D&D already.

You know, with their high intelligence, tree octopi could be arboreal mages. Their cunning would also make for excellent (albeit freakish) rogues.

I suppose playing D&D is freakish enough. I fly my freak flag high.

You're right PZ, I speak french and the guy sounds creepy, like the old pedophile in Family guys.

This is too much...I don't know what to think!

Cephalopod porn is special arm, the French narration...

Porn will just never be the same for me...

OMG, I can't stop laughing! It's like aquatic Pepe LePeu!

...the skin goes bumpy and changes colour....

Really, they should not be able to say such things.

...the skin goes bumpy and changes colour...

Really, they should not be allowed to say such things!

I haven't seen the clip yet, but from your description I'm reminded by the French bowling guy that Marge met in The Simpsons...

By Citizen of the… (not verified) on 27 Apr 2009 #permalink

How wonderful it would be
To just naturally
Count octally

By JohnnieCanuck (not verified) on 27 Apr 2009 #permalink