Virgin Mary in a…uh-oh. Bill Donohue will pop a blood vessel.

My godlessness is shaken to the core by this miraculous manifestation of the madonna. I think she's sending a message to the pope.


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New Yahweh sized for the modern deity. For those times you just can't handle another messiah.

By Rev. BigDumbChimp (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Wait a minute, isn't Her Image copyrighted yet?

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

It's so obviously Madonna. No, the other one.

It's a miracle!

By lose_the_woo (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Why is this guy's furniture all on the ceiling?


As has already been pointed out over there by others, I hope it is not, indeed, post-coital since it appears to be displayed in a classroom.

Wait a mo!....that's cheating...just cos she used a condom does not mean she is still a was an epic fail anyway's!

By Strangest brew (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

TED: Ah now lads, come on.
WARRIOR: Xatl the Volcano God is angry. We must appease his wrath.
TED: Volcano God! What kind of nonsense is that? Look, come on, I'll ask you one more time... would you not give the old Catholicism a try?
WARRIOR: It'll never catch on. We don't agree with the Pope's line on artificial contraception. Sure, it's the '90s, for god's sake.

~ Father Ted, 'Kicking Bishop Brennan Up The Arse', from the Complete Scripts

By Der Bruno Stroszek (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Wow, that really turned my world upside-down.

Oh, wait -- the photo is flipped. Never mind.

As has already been pointed out over there by others, I hope it is not, indeed, post-coital since it appears to be displayed in a classroom.

It could be a college classroom.

But either way there are other problems with carrying around a used condom that are worse than some kids seeing it.

I don't know, seems an appropriate place for the Virgin Mary & Baby Jesus to appear. Certainly more interesting than on a toasted cheese sandwich.

By Natasha Yar-Routh (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Gives new meaning to the phrase "holy rood."

I think it's a bit of a stretch, myself...

By Cycle Ninja (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

How will they sell this on e-Bay?


And you know, beauty is truth. Keats said it as poetry, and David Berlinski and David Klinghoffer have taken it as a "scientific principle," IDiots that they are (no, I don't care that moron Berlinski doesn't really accept ID--it's barely a notion anyhow, aside from its bizarre attacks on evolution).

The Designer works in mysterious ways.

Glen D

By Glen Davidson (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Proof that sex with a condom does not count against anyone's virginity!
Don't look at me that way; God ordained it. Now young Christians everywhere can save themselves for marriage simply by putting on a condom. Finally, God has said something that makes sense.

Is it not obvious?
No mystery here. "Stop it or I will lovingly send you to burn for an eternity (in the nicest of ways cause I am a caring god"
This is the love of Mary, appearing to someone when their soul is in mortal danger, telling them not to use those rubber things cause they cause aids and will make them go to hell without passing go or getting $200!
Are not the works of the lord wonderful? He even cares enough to save us all from condoms! We will work on the childhood diseases next week after the big problem of promiscuity is fixed!

By People's Front… (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

I think the bird shit looks more like Mary than that condom does.

By 'Tis Himself, OM (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

As has already been pointed out over there by others, I hope it is not, indeed, post-coital since it appears to be displayed in a classroom.

It was demonstrated on a banana. This is as God intended; otherwise, why would He create the banana with such an appropriate shape?

That's probably the one Joseph used to keep the door open for the Holy Ghost. Wrong, forgot she was a virgin. My bad.

Condoms that harden into a form of the mother of Jesus after usage? Gives new meaning to the term mother-fucker. I could see it as a brand name for this line of prophylactics.

By aratina cage (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

As has already been pointed out over there by others, I hope it is not, indeed, post-coital since it appears to be displayed in a classroom.

Dunno why it shouldn't be - some of the hardest times I've been screwed have been in the classroom!

It was demonstrated on a banana.

... that got a bit too excited.

As for the location - I wouldn't be surprised if there's some kind of competition in establishments of learning to make sure every room has been "baptized".

The banana was created to give a ray of comfort to those that might appreciate it.

Could be a common (study) room in a university residence rather than a classroom.

Huh, I thought you already posted this, but I can't find it in your archives.

By funnyguts (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

It's a message for pope Ratzy. He can now okay their use in Africa & elsewhere.

By vanharris (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Do you suppose the kind of people who think Jesus and Mary reveal themselves in grilled cheese sandwiches and whatnot also think that the appliances, furniture etc. in that American Express commercial (YouTube alert) are genuinely sad?

By Molly, NYC (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Come to think of it, Mary looks pretty doable. I'd give her a ride.

By lose_the_woo (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

OT, but this is cool:

A team of archaeologists and scientists says it has, for the first time, found pieces of a burial shroud from the time of Jesus in a tomb in Jerusalem.

The researchers, from Hebrew University and institutions in Canada and the US, said the shroud was very different from the controversial Turin Shroud.

Some people believe the Turin Shroud to have been Christ's burial cloth, but others believe it is a fake.

The newly found cloth has a simpler weave than Turin's, the scientists say.

The body of a man wrapped in fragments of the shroud was found in a tomb dating from the time of Jesus near the Old City of Jerusalem.


The researchers believe the man was a Jewish high priest or member of the aristocracy who died of leprosy, the earliest proven case.

Proof against? No, but it hardly gives anyone occasion to reconsider the 2000 year or so age of the Shroud of Turin, in fact it militates against the hopes of the pious.

Glen D

By Glen Davidson (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

The Blessed Virgin in a Condom? That's nothing!

I was about to flush the bowl after my monthly shit when I discovered that my stool had become perfect replica of Christ on the Cross, complete with authentic blood.

I'll post photos later.

Smoggy "There's a Savior in my Shit" Batzrubble

By Smoggy Batzrub… (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

How does that go....????

FULL OF .....

You can't call that GRACE ....?? can you????

steve ..... just wonderin.....

If a guy puts it on and then climaxes, will all his seed be holy?

Gives new meaning to the term mother-fucker. I could see it as a brand name for this line of prophylactics.

Wouldn't a better brand name be not mother-fucker?

I'm not the first person to say this, but... man, those catholic girls, when they get away from the oppression of the church and decide to cut loose.

I was about to flush the bowl after my monthly shit when I discovered that my stool had become perfect replica of Christ on the Cross, complete with authentic blood.

That's nothing. When I take a dump my shit doesn't stink.

By 'Tis Himself, OM (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

This, like the grilled-cheese sandwich image, is clearly a fake.

Everybody knows - see the inset in the image in question - that in a true apparition the BVM always wears blue.

Once you can show us a semen donor who produces blue jizz, then the rest of us might consider believing in your miracle.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

"...complete with authentic blood."

Holy Hemorrhoids, Smoggy!

By Stardrake (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

I guess they were right about the Second Cumming of Christ...

By Scooter Dee (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Such delightful irony. :D

But the pope is also sending a message to you, PZ.
Face up to the xtian competition:

"Therefore it is the intention of the Institute of Theological Zoology to understand (and define) the relationship between man and animal as "hot topic" of Theology and at the same time as a realisation of a specific spirituality which is closely linked to creation. Dr. Rainer Hagencord and Dr. Anton Rotzetter have founded the Institute of Theological Zoology (BGB company) in spring 2008. The status of the Institute will become an affiliate institute of the Capuchins' Philosophical-Theological University in Münster/Germany. ..
A profound scientifical acknowledgment of animal in respect to theology is strongly needed; although some theological anthropologies exist, an elaborated theological zoology is still missing. The institute provides space for own research activities as well as it offers a platform for discussions and dialogue for other researchers. For this reason lectures will held at the Philosophical-Theological University..."

Capuchins? Simia capucina? Have our furry cousins sufficiently evolved to disassociate themselves from notions of kinship with that rabble of liberal, Darwinist, Dawkinist, irreverent, cryptosocialist girly-mannish (to cite the eminent Rev. Schwarzenegger) hominines? And now the furry friends defect to the pope, wringing their little black hands in fervent prayer? It certainly looks like it:

What comes next: bonobos in SUVs, driving up to take over the management of Hello-my-name-is-Kent-Hovind's Dinosaur Adventure Land?

By Joe the Plumber (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Capuchins? Simia capucina?

No, english translation for Kapuziner , some christian fringe sect in Germany and a few surrounding countries.

"Theological zoology" sounds like a topic people of this world urgently need to study indeed.

By Rorschach (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

Well, of course. They're capuchin monkeys.

By John Morales (not verified) on 21 Dec 2009 #permalink

This one is really a lot more relevant to the validity of the holy apparitions:

It is a re-posting, but non the less conveys the real message as to what the whole business is worth.

Every month, I hope to find Jebus or Mary in my feminine protection, because I KNOW some fool will buy it on eBay. I wonder what the condom will

It could be a college classroom.

But either way there are other problems with carrying around a used condom that are worse than some kids seeing it.

I hadn't figured into my distaste that it could have been carried there (for what the fuck reason?). I assumed it'd been removed in situ.

And speaking of Catholic Condoms™ I might as well link this again here.

Once you can show us a semen donor who produces blue jizz, then the rest of us might consider believing in your miracle.

The boyfriend of the woman in the tampon ads is probably a good candidate.

Lol @ comment "Immaculate Contraception."

Shame my Catholic high school didn't talk about condoms. Seven girls dropped out of my class of 180 due to pregnancy, and some of those girls are now grandmothers at the grand old age of 33.

Sex education, the Catholic way.

(I was clever- I dated a boy from the Protestant high school across the street :D )

By redrabbitslife (not verified) on 22 Dec 2009 #permalink