The Madonna Adoption Snafu Thickens.....

So, now the father of the Malawian boy, whom Madonna intends to adopt, was quoted saying that he did not want Madonna to adopt his son but rather just raise him on his behalf.

Banda's statement is a major shift from his earlier remarks last week when he railed against human rights groups that have gone to court to stop Madonna from adopting his son David.

"Had they told us that Madonna wanted to adopt my son and make him her own son, we would not have agreed to that," Banda said in his local language of Chichewa.

"It would have been better for him to continue staying at the orphanage because I see no reason why my child should be given away forever when I can feed him," he said, speaking at his village of Lipunga near the Zambia border late on Saturday.


"What we agreed with Madonna was that she looks after my child until he finishes school, becomes independent and comes back home to us," Banda said.

Why the sudden change of heart? Maybe someone told him what Madonna was worth.........(kidding)

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"I do not want this child. I wish to be free not worry about children! Besides, I bet it would be better for him!"

"Pssst! I'm a reporter for Newspaper X, and I would love to break the story that you still want your son. If I give you $50, would you say that you want him back?"

"$50! I'll eat like a king for a year! Of course!"

By Brandon King (not verified) on 22 Oct 2006 #permalink