Are you at #tam9? Are you reading this?

Then maybe you'll be interested in joining the Pharyngula horde at the Garden Buffet at 6pm (and later) for whatever. It's a Pharyngula meetup in the casino!

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Shhhh...I have a secret. When we send out information about the World Science Festival, the producers commonly use the phrase, "a Festival meant to engage and inspire the public about science." For me, there's no better way to inspire than to offer the public a  chance to meet one-on-one with…
Yesterday, PZ Myers over at Pharyngula posted an entry with a link to my post on Why I Am Not Polite. And just like that - shazam! - blog traffic here tripled. Oh Mighty PZ, Zuska salutes you! So, a hearty welcome to all you new readers, and I hope you'll stick around to join in the fun. Check…
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