Friday Cephalopod: Ruining tentacle porn for everybody

Yeah, sorry, but at the vertex of all those slimy tentacular columns lies this hard, knife-edged, pointy, shiny, muscular beak.

(via Naturetrek)

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Noooo! Damn you, PZ!

By Herla cyning (not verified) on 21 Sep 2012 #permalink

"Ruin tentacle porn" with a knife-edged beak? You clearly don't know the depths to which some forms of hentai already go, PZ. Pray that it'll stay that way.

If you think this will "ruin tentacle porn", you clearly don't know the audience that watches tentacle porn. I'm pretty sure they'll find this enhances their experience...

Tentacle porn is about rape. A beak is pretty rapey.