Mary's Monday Metazoan: Don't tell the SyFy Channel!

It's the Kinabalu Giant Red Leech of Borneo! This foot long beast isn't satisfied with merely sucking blood, it swallows its prey whole.



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By Wesley Dodson (not verified) on 29 Sep 2014 #permalink

I've been a biologist for almost 40 years and my professional opinion is that this is possibly the most disturbing/disgusting thing I've ever seen. Can't wait to use it in a class!

It's pretty crazy that either the prey or the predator in that image actually exist. I do love visiting the tropics, but I am often thankful to be living in a temperate clime.

Puny Earthling!

Big ones like this may be restricted to the tropics, but a close relative half that size is all over Europe. Start here, and then check out the German Wikipedia article if you can (the English one is a worthless stub).

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 01 Oct 2014 #permalink