Quantum Summer Schools + Fault-Tolerant Workshop

With fast approaching deadlines:

  • The 2009 Asher Peres International Physics School:
    Title: "The Edge, twixt quantum and classical phenomena"
    30 Nov - 4 Dec, Sydney, Australia

    The 2009 Asher Peres school provides senior undergraduates and junior postgraduates with a pedagogical introduction from internationally leading scientists on topics ranging from the interface between quantum and classical phenomena through to the role of quantum science in biology and nanomechanics.

    The international lecturers for 2009 are

    Prof Wojciech Zurek: Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
    Prof Markus Aspelmeyer, IQOQI, Vienna, Austria
    Prof Susana Huelga: University of Hertfordshire, UK
    Prof Fedor Jelezko: University of Stuttgart,Germany
    Prof Martin Plenio: Imperial College London, UK
    Prof Vlatko Vedral: University of Oxford, UK

    and the school include lectures from other local lecturers.

    The school can only admit ~40 students - so register EARLY!
    We cover all the local costs for local accommodation and meals for all admitted students for the duration.
    Deadline for online registrations: October 2 2009.

  • Quantum Information Student Conference, August 2009, Toronto, Canada:
    Dear graduate students in quantum information and quantum control,

    You are invited to participate in the Canadian Quantum Information Student Conference at the Fields Institute in Toronto, Canada on August 22nd-23rd 2009: A conference of graduate students, by graduate students, for graduate students. Consider contributing with a (tentatively, 20+/-5 minutes) talk to let us know what you're working on. Registration fees have been waived for all participants, and some funding is available to support accommodation and travel.

    Follow the links to register, submit an abstract, or submit an application for participation support. Abstract deadline is August 1, 2009.

    Please direct your questions and comments to the organizers at cqisc2009atgmaildotcom, and please spread the word.

  • Finally, a workshop on Fault-Tolerance:

    The Logical Aspects of Fault Tolerance (LAFT) workshop will be held at in Los Angeles (UCLA) on August 15, 2009 in conjunction with LICS 09.

    LAFT will bring together researchers with specialities in various fields (computer science, quantum information, biology) to discuss the phenomenon of fault tolerance at a higher level of abstraction with the purpose of defining and reasoning about the general logical principles that transcend specific implementation domains.

    The speakers include Shinichi Kikuchi, Carolyn Talcott, Joe Fitzsimons, Anish Arora, and Fuad Abu-Jarad.

    Early registration ends July 26. Go to http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/lics-sas09/registration/

    The workshop webiste is www.aero.org/laft
    and the conference website is http://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/lics/lics09/

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Wow, higher level fault-tolerance? (Why "finally" - not enough before, I suppose ...) And in an interdisciplinary setting. Can these people or their successors work on making human civilization more FT? We need that, really, considering the threats and problems we face. Who else is getting into this? I think e.g. Bee and the crew at Lightcone Institute (http://www.lightconeinstitute.org/) do good work that touches on this. A recent post title: What Natural and Economic Disasters have in Common? Yes, we need more research and application in fault-tolerance, and indeed in "mistake-ology."

BTW Dave, link doesn't go to www.aero.org/laft.