Nobel Peace Prize

Barack Obama has been awarded an honorary degree from Arizona State University the Nobel Prize in Peace for "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

I recommend a bag of popcorn, a big soda, and a nice recliner to watch the consternation and just plain craziness that will surely follow this announcement :)


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Conservatives threw a minor hissy fit a few years back when Jimmy Carter won the prize, in a move that was seen (and never denied by the committee) as a rebuke to Dubya's warmongering ways. But they didn't keep it up because by then Carter no longer had any power. Besides, what do a bunch of librul Scandihoovians know?

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 09 Oct 2009 #permalink

> I recommend a bag of popcorn, a big soda, and a nice
> recliner to watch the consternation and just plain craziness
> that will surely follow this announcement :)

Already there, my friend, already there...

Carter, Gore, and now Obama: I think the Nobel committee is trying to make up for giving the peace prize to Henry Kissinger.

Seriously, this must totally infuriate the right, which is a worthy end in itself!

By Pieter Kok (not verified) on 09 Oct 2009 #permalink

@Pieter: I don't think the Left is terribly happy about this either. It both further devalues the prize, and is an insult to the many worthy past (and future) recipients. Obama's nomination was due days after his innauguration -- which proves that even Joe Biden was more deserving.

The Right was none too happy when Krugman won for econ, but that he made important contributions and achievements in his field (as a young economist)is undeniable.