Weekend Links Dump

I may do some fiddling with the blog template over the weekend, but I'm unlikely to post anything substantive until Monday. Here are a handful of links that caught my eye in recent days to fill the gap:

And that clears the Bloglines feeds for another week...


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Well, that post talks about your move to scienceblogs. It is positive, sure.

You do share some character set with me actually, Japanese. I had also been at Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro-communications, in different years though. Probably, we had sat in the same office, but no overlap in time. :-)

Well, that post talks about your move to scienceblogs. It is positive, sure.

I didn't think it would be anything all that bad. I'm just always a little surprised to find blogs linking to me that I can't read. There are a couple of blogs in Portugese that linked to the Steelypips site, and it was always odd to see them in Technorati.

You do share some character set with me actually, Japanese. I had also been at Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro-communications, in different years though. Probably, we had sat in the same office, but no overlap in time. :-)

Really? Small world. (I was on the top floor, all the way at the end of the hall...)

To be honest, I could never read much Japanese. I learned the katakana system, because those were mostly foreign words anyway, and I knew a few hiragana, but the kanji were always a mystery. I used to memorize the shapes associated with subway stops, and just do pattern recognition.

Anyway, thanks for reading.