Giant Hugo Nominees Round-Up

As you know, Bob, the Hugo Awards are one of the top literary honors in the field of science fiction and fantasy. They're voted on by the attendees of each year's Woldcon, held in August or September, and include awards for Best Novel, Novella, Novelette, and Short Story. I posted about the Best Novel nominees back in March when they were announced (I don't read much short fiction, so I have nothing to say about the other categories).

If you're thinking to yourself, "Yes, we know what you think, but what about everybody else?", well, have I got a URL for you. Nicholas Whyte has posted a giant compendium of reviews of the nominated works (including my comments, which is why I know about this). If you'd like to tell him what you think, the links are also mirrored on his LiveJournal: novels and shorter works.

Now you know what everybody thinks. But only the ones who agree with me are right.

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