Commenting Issues?

There's been some behind-the-scenes talk of the resurfacing of the annoying comment bug, which we had thought was fixed. I haven't noticed any problems myself, but I have noticed that the comment traffic is down a bit. I just attributed that to the fact that I haven't written much lately that was comment-worthy, but if there's a technical issue, I'd like to know.

If you've tried to post a comment recently (say, in the last two weeks), and been denied by the system, or had it vanish into the aether, please send me an email (orzelc at steelypips, which is an org not a com) and let me know when and what the failure mode was.

There's also been some talk about moving all of the ScienceBlogs blogs to requiring TypeKey authetication for comments. Personally, I object to this for philosophical reasons-- I dislike anything that makes it more of a hassle for people to comment-- but I'm not sure how widespread that opinion is. If you have strong feelings about TypeKey, one way or another, leave me a comment, or send me an email.

This would also be a fine place to air any other greivances you have about the site design or other technical issues.


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