World Cup Dog-Blogging

The great thing about soccer is that even pets can get in on the game:


Here, Emmy shows off her ability to bat things around on the floor, in honor of the Germany-Argentina game coming up today. The toy in question is a Buster Cube, which we heartily endorse-- it's a plastic cube with a hole in one side and a chamber inside to hold food. As it gets knocked end over end, every now and then some kibble works its way out, and the dog gets to eat it.

Humans love it because there's no human intervention required: we put a handful of kibble in, and she bats it around the living room for ten minutes before it needs a refill. Dogs love it because, well, kibble! If it made squeaking noises when hit, it would be the perfect toy...



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Ah, squeaking pet toys. My ferret's got two squaking toy mice. She thinks they are her children.

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 02 Jul 2006 #permalink