Before and After

The internal distribution of picture of the ScienceBlogs get-together in NYC (referred to here) prompted several calls for me to update my picture. I have, after all, lost rather a lot of weight since the picture in my profile was taken. Thus, I had Kate take a new picture of me post-weight-loss:


For the sake of science, the "before" picture (which was cut down to make the old head shot) is below the fold, so you can do a valid comparison:


As you can tell, my hair has gotten messier, and I've changed my shirt. The profile picture has been updated to reflect this.


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Awesome, dude - congratulations. Although I left earlier in the day, all I've gotten is references to looking like a terrorist. You, however, are angling for the cover page of the 2007 ScienceBloggers calendar. I think that PZ really had it made with his famous Speedo shot.

In the meantime, I shall be a thoughtful and loving custodian of those extra 20 lbs and work in the lab on a method to convert them into anti-matter.

Congrats; it makes a pretty pronounced difference on the impression.

One small thing - you may want to postprocess that picture a bit before making a thumbnail; most pictures benefit from it. It's a little dark and pretty low contrast, and could do with a little (a little!) unsharp masking too.

You sexy beast, you!

I have to say though, in the previous picture you look confident, almost challenging whereas in the new one you look a little bashful. Not a bad thing by any means, but a sharp contrast.

As you can tell, my hair has gotten messier, and I've changed my shirt. The profile picture has been updated to reflect this.

:) I see there are others with favourite shirts they never take off too ;)

Wow, you *have* lost a lot of weight.
...You been sick, or something?

By John Novak (not verified) on 30 Jul 2006 #permalink

Congratulations, it can't be that easy to lose a lot of weight. Now, has it affected your post-up game in any way? I'm aware of Charles Barkley's and Shaquille O'Neal's take on this issue, so it's important that you chime in.

Now, has it affected your post-up game in any way? I'm aware of Charles Barkley's and Shaquille O'Neal's take on this issue, so it's important that you chime in.

I do a whole lot less post-up play than I used to, not so much because of the weight, but because one of this year's physics majors used to be on the basketball team, and is a hair taller than I am and can jump out of the damn gym.

These days, I get my points off mid-range jumpers, driving to the basket, and trying to get out on the break ahead of everybody else.

Well hello there handsome. :-)

a hair taller than I am

Aren't you like eight feet tall already? Jesus. What is it with Americans? I was average, even a little taller than, in Australia; over here, I feel like I'm always looking up everyone's noses. (I'm 5'10" and change.)