Oooh, Flowers!

That last post is really kind of a downer topic for a Saturday morning, especially after a fun Friday. Sorry about that. Here's a picture of pretty flowers to lighten the mood:


These are on some tall bushes outside our back door, growing around the base of some pine trees that look like fifty-foot mutant bonsai. The flowers were identified as a rose of somebody or another, and when they flower, they don't hold back. Below the fold is another picture, showing a little more of the context.



And now, off to run errands...


More like this

Rose of Sharon, I'm pretty sure. We have a white one going like crazy outside our back door at the moment. Yours look beautiful -- congrats!


It is good to see that there are other physicist-bloggers out there who are not shy to post pictures of flowers! Next, you'll be posting about visits to farmer's markets, riding your bike, and busrides.



Yep, Rose of Sharon. There are different varieties -- my Mom has one much like yours (maybe pinker), also a shorter one with a double flower, white with red markings. The seed pods I've seen are round. They dry and split into sections to scatter the seeds.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 15 Aug 2006 #permalink