Technical Difficulties

The Internet has been broken all afternoon at Chateau Steelypips, which is where there hasn't been anything new psoted, and why it's taken forever to approve a couple of comments that were held for moderation. Sorry about that.

(I'm typing this from my office on campus-- we turned Her Majesty's evening walk into an email-checking trip, with the added bonus being able to chase rabbits across the lawns on campus. Great fun was had by all, at least until I wiped out on the wet grass...)

As long as I'm posting to say why I haven't been posting, though, I might as well turn this into a technical issues open thread, as we haven't had one of those for a while. If you've had problems with anything on the site, or if there's anything we can do to make your ScienceBlogs reading experience more pleasant, leave a comment, and I'll see what I can do.

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