Turtles All the Way Down

A Christmas gift from my sister:


Yes, that's an origami Discworld. A big turtle, four elephants, and a flat world inhabited by silly people. All folded out of paper (well, the map was printed and cut out, but the elephants and turtle are origmai).

From a different angle:


The map got badly overexposed from the flash, but you can see the elephants a little more clearly in this one.


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That's really cool.

Wow! what is it standing on? Crumpled blue paper?

By Brian Postow (not verified) on 05 Jan 2007 #permalink

Yeah, that's crumpled blue tissue paper.
It normally lives in a fishbowl, but I took it out so I could take pictures without the glare from the glass.

Your sister made that? Wow - you must come from a pretty impressive gene pool!

Could I have the instructions for that?

The diagram for the sea turtle (not silly, I might add!) can be found in Michael LaFosse's Advanced Origami. The elephants are from John Montroll's Dollar Bill Animals in Origami. I appreciate the positive feedback but agree that the discworld wedding cake ROCKS!

By Erin Orzel (not verified) on 08 Jan 2007 #permalink

LOL! I just LOVE this! As you might guess, me mate and I are huge Pratchett fans....his books occupy a whole spaces on our shelves. LOng live the Pratchett and the Disc World!

I think your present needs a new classification for awesome.

I am once again stunned at the creativity that people display - makes you appreciate the human race again.

Your sister should really love you, buddy! Such an impressive gift. :P

Great idea and well excuted. Inspired to me to try and make my own! I like the turtle choice (and all of Lafosse's models) but perhaps the elephants are a bit too simplistic in comparison? Maybe Brill's or Diaz's elephants would be a better choice?