Galactic Religion

As part of one of my intermittent attempts to be a better person, I've given up atheist-baiting for Lent. And let me tell you, it isn't easy.

I would be remiss in my blogging duties, though, if I didn't point out Rob Knop's recent posts about religion and science. The first is about being a Christian, and the second is about the role of spirituality.

The posts make for interesting reading. The comments in response, not so much.


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(physical reality) - (empirical reality) = faith

Believe what you want outside the lab. An invisible mute entity whose claimed bosom buddies want money is not much of a companion. Do better inside the lab.

Uh, God =! televangelists.

And Chad, although you seem like a nice guy, this "being a better person" stuff sounds a little too close to faith for an important ScienceBlogger like me. So I'm going to have to tell you to suck it.

Sorry, and happy Lent,


Speaking for all atheists, we appreciate your restraint ;-)

I'm assuming you're referring to BookSluts comments about Peter Kay. In all fairness, Dawkins did apologize about that incident.,,2030741,00.html

Actually, he didn't have anything to apologize for... it was a blatant setup, and a low trick full of distortions and just plain lies by the journalist. I wouldn't trust that booksluts blog if she believed in that story in the first place.

So do you bait atheists with invisible hooks?

Chad, while you're at it, you could update the Galactic Interactions link in the blogroll ...

I'm leaving it there because his archives are still there, and I think those are worth pointing people to. It's pretty much the same reason why I haven't deleted the Dylan Stiles link, even though he's no longer actively blogging.

I also don't have separate sidebar links for any of the blogs on ScienceBlogs, because I figure that people can get to those directly by using the navigation menu in the upper right. I save the sidebar links for other sites that I think could use more publicity.