Impossible Lyrics Answer

Pretty much all of the songs that I thought anybody might possibly guess were guessed, so I might as well reveal the answers. If you'd still like to try your hand, don't click through to the rest of this post until after you've finished...

Those of you who have given up can find the full list of titles below the fold, with commentary on the songs that nobody recognized.

  1. "I Don't Like Mondays," The Boomtown Rats
  2. "I Wish I Was A Girl," Counting Crows
  3. "The Destruction of Lurel Canyon," Youth Group. Off Casino Twilight Dogs. I couldn't find lyrics for this online (though I didn't try all that hard).
  4. "Trade Places," Matthew Sweet. Off In Reverse, which is about two albums past the last one anybody bought.
  5. "Kiss Me On the Bus," The Replacements
  6. "Millionaire," Solomon Burke. Off Nashville, on which Burke does country-ish songs.
  7. "Losing My Religion," R.E.M.
  8. "Pretty In Pink," The Psychedelic Furs
  9. "Darkmatter," Andrew Bird
  10. "Piggies," The Beatles
  11. "This Year," The Mountain Goats
  12. "That's How Strong My Love Is," Otis Redding. This only has about fifteen words, and six of them are "That's How Strong My Love Is." This is a terrible song for guess-the-lyrics, but a good song in its own right.
  13. "Beautiful Side of Somewhere," The Wallflowers
  14. "She Just Wants To Dance," Keb' Mo'. Acoustic blues off his self-titled album. Nothing whatsoever to do with the Don Henley Song "All She Wants to Do Is Dance."
  15. "Solar Sex Panel," Little Village. This was a sort of unknown super-groups featuring John Hiatt and Ry Cooder and a couple of other guys whose names escape me at the moment. The song is mostly goofy double entendres about, well, solar power and sex. Because when you're John Hiatt, you can do that.
  16. "Whereabouts Unknown," Acoustic Junction. This is a band that I saw two or three times in college. They were locally famous in the Berkshires, and one of the guys in the band was a cousin of a woman on the rugby club. I bought this CD four or five years later in a Borders in Gaithersburg, MD, but I think I was about the only person to do so.
  17. "Calendar Days," The New Amsterdams. A side project for one of the guys from the Get Up Kids.
  18. "Think," Aretha Franklin
  19. "Stuck Between Stations," The Hold Steady
  20. "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)," Death Cab for Cutie

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