links for 2007-10-07


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Would it be possible for you to put a cut or fold (whichever terminology you prefer) on these link-only posts, even if they're auto-generated? They're tidy here, but via your lj syndication feed, they become quite long. Thanks.

By greythistle (not verified) on 07 Oct 2007 #permalink

Chad, FYI, I don't see any way to automatically put things below the fold.

(It can be done with post to LJ directly because that involves an intermediate script that the user can edit.)

What is the purpose of these link dumps? Is it just a crass way to generate return traffic to your blog?

By PhysioProf (not verified) on 07 Oct 2007 #permalink

The idea here is to actually do something with all the odd links that I run across but don't have the time to do lengthy posts about. I'm constantly running into stuff that I look at and say "Hey, that'd be cool for the blog," but I type slowly, and have limited blogging time. I figure this way, I can at least post quickie links with one-line comments, for those who might be interested.

I don't seem to be able to put things below the fold automatically, but I can try editing the posts after they're up to move the content behind the cut, if that would help.

For my part, I'd appreciate a quick edit if that'd fold up the material without using much of your time. If I'm the only person who's noted lj spillage, though, perhaps it's not worth worrying about. (I could read Uncertain Principles via Bloglines instead....)

By greythistle (not verified) on 08 Oct 2007 #permalink

"The idea here is to actually do something with all the odd links that I run across but don't have the time to do lengthy posts about."

Fair enough. Any idea how many clicks those links get? Frankly, I'm here to read your writing, not find more stuff on the Web to waste my time.

By PhysioProf (not verified) on 10 Oct 2007 #permalink