Scary Movie "Meme"

Bora has tagged me, and nagged me in comments for this "Happy Hallowmeme" thing where people post links to clips from their favorite scary movies. The problem with this is that I really don't have that much interest in horror in general, or scary movies specifically.

I do, however, retain some affection for 80's cheese, which includes some of the campier scary movies of that era, along with this gem:

Can't you just smell the hair spray?

I saw this as half of a double feature at a drive-in (!!) during the summer after my senior year of high school. The other movie was one of the Nightmare on Elm Street flicks-- #4, I believe. I believe beer was involved, but you got that from the "drive-in" part.

There's probably something deep and profound to be said about the waxing and waning of horror as a popular genre, connecting it to other cultural and political events. For example, why did horror almost completely disappear in the late 90's, and why is it back now, and grosser than ever? I'm not the guy to write that post, though.

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