Semi-Dorky Poll: Bicycle or Running?

Mark P. comments on particles and waves:

I think it can be argued that a particle is a "thing" while a wave is a "behavior", so it's like asking: bicycle or running?

Yes, and? Why wouldn't that work as a poll question? Here's let's try:

Bicycle or running? Pick only one, and leave your answer in the comments.

I'd have to say bicycle, because running for its own sake is just annoying. Running in the service of a game of basketball is great, but running just to be running stopped being fun in grade school.

A bicycle, on the other hand, is shiny, expensive, and cool. I'd rather have a bicycle than be running.


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Definitely bicycle. The impact on my knees from running makes me walk like a zombie for days. Plus, I can commute to work by bike, thus saving gas and getting some exercise beyond my typing-fingers. Also, the 90% naked cross-country runners who wear perpetually pained faces just make me look bad if I'm out running too.

"running for its own sake is just annoying"


Bicycle. It looks new and shiny and cool in the garage, but running? You can't _keep_ it anywhere.

Stupid question! Bike of course! I'm a dedicated bike feak and have been all of my life, I don't even own a car, anything under 25km I do by bike.

Walking. ;-)

Part of the appeal of exercise for me is the pain, or maybe its the endorphine response. The difference between running and biking is that when you get off your bike, the pain stops! Bike ftw.


Bicycle (in my case, a mountain bike) is no good if it's raining or really cold. I can run anytime. Bicycle has to be cleaned off every time I use it. Plus things break all the time and they're expensive to fix. Can't use bicycle on muddy trails because it's bad for the trails.

That said, I wouldn't give my bike up. It's a nice break from running all the time.

In the old, pre-knee days, the answer was absolutely running. Nothing cleared my mind like a long run, and running through the woods was the best. But now, post-knees, it's bicycling.

Note: bicycling, not a bicycle. I like bicycles in the same way that I like cars, cameras and other gadgets, and I liked bicycles even when I preferred running. I always liked bicycles more than I liked running shoes, but if I were able, I would prefer running over bicycling.

Running is an inefficient method calorie expenditure for transportation when compared to the bicycle. Thus running causes climate change and the vibration from all the foot falls cause vibrations in my SEM lab therefore running is bad for the environment and anti-science and bicycling is good for the Earth and riders are virtuous.


Biking is a distant second in terms of the amount of exercise I can get from it, at least without causing havoc on the trail. I can run for half the time and get twice the exercise.

Running is kinda hard on the body. Hasn't stopped me yet though (knock wood).


We Canadians bike year round, and in Vancouver that means usually in the rain (ever heard of Goretex?). I bike every day, rain or shine, and I clean my bike two or three times a year, whether it needs it or not. Bike parts are much cheaper than knee replacements.
But don't be tempted to skimp on bike repairs: preventative bicycle maintenance is cheaper than restorative dentistry.

Biking, in all but the most extreme weather for the last 40 years. I only ride for transportation but exercise happens anyway. Much prefer riding to driving. Running makes my knees hurt or I'd do that too.

Bicycle. This is really a question?

There IS no higher athletic calling people. Running is technologically insufficient for the science crowd, anyway.

Munger's high. Nothing wrong at all with riding in the rain and cold, ask the Belgians. If you need to clean, polish and lube every ride, well, you might be bit retentive. Trails sloppy? You shouldn't be running on 'em either there chappy.

Rosie on knee replacement..BINGO!

Chad, you've been very lax on the bicycling posts, what gives? Have you learned how to patch a tire yet?

By BikeMonkey (not verified) on 07 Nov 2007 #permalink

Chad, you've been very lax on the bicycling posts, what gives? Have you learned how to patch a tire yet?

I got the tire repaired, but the battery in the mileage computer died, and I've been too lazy to replace it. I haven't been able to do mileage updates as a result.

I also haven't been biking all that much, as we've been out of town a lot, and the weather has sucked.

Biking - you can do trips when biking and camp when biking, so there is a difference in the span of the activity. I do like a slow jog as a meditation - I have to pay way more attention on a bike.

By my handle you can guess. Still, I love to do tri's, and the pain in the bike, at times, can only be aliviated by the pain of the run.

By TrekJunkie (not verified) on 08 Nov 2007 #permalink