Google Passeth All Understanding

As previously mentioned, I plan to end the book with a chapter on quantum flim-flam. As research for this, I've been looking at kook sites on the web, and Googled "quantum healing," which turns up all manner of gibberish from Deepak Chopra. It also includes a helpful little item at the bottom of the page:

Searches related to: quantum healing

maurice chevalier hugh grant deepak chopra ectomorphic

The Chopra search makes sense, and "ectomorphic" is a gibberish word that shows up in that sort of stuff. But Maurice Chevalier? And Hugh Grant?

If I could just figure out the connection between Maurice Chevalier, Hugh Grant, and Deepak Chopra (none of them have ever been in my kitchen?), I bet I could make a billion dollars peddling quantum healing to ectomorphs...

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He's baaaack. Deepak Chopra. Remember him? It's been a while since I've said much about him and him alone. True, I've gone after him this year when he joined up with three other major league woo-meisters Dean Ornish, Rustum Roy, and Andrew Weil to try to try to help Senator Tom Harkin hijack the…

If I could just figure out the connection between Maurice Chevalier, Hugh Grant, and Deepak Chopra (none of them have ever been in my kitchen?), I bet I could make a billion dollars peddling quantum healing to ectomorphs

I don't think you need to figure out the connection. Just get Maurice, Hugh and Deepak to endorse your particular potions and methods and that will probably get you on the road to that first billion $s! LOL!
Dave Briggs :~)

The answer to all Google conundrums is, of course, Google.

Only hire six sigma geniuses, stick them in benign environments, feed them, give them not much to do... Their mutant minds go bat-ape with boredom and invent stuff to push back the darkness. All that is additionally required is an equally adept user.

Chevalier, Grant, and Chopra are related through "hypochondriac."