The Steelypips Bowl

The good news:

The bad news:

  • They play each other in the Super Bowl in two weeks.

This is perhaps not the most positive sporting development for marital harmony...


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Dual live game blogging?

I'm a Browns fan and my wife is a Steelers fan, it can be done. Hell look at James Carville and Mary Matalin!

I was relieved that I don't have to choose between the Packers and the Patriots in the Superbowl but disappointed Favre won't get another chance. I mean as a diehard Cowboys fan (shutup everybody) I hated the Packers for years until Favre singlehandedly made me like them.

The Patriots looked like the Patriots only in the 2nd half of that game. They'll have to do better than that to win the Superbowl.


Who is the dog rooting for?

By sludgejudge (not verified) on 21 Jan 2008 #permalink

Who is the dog rooting for?

She's rooting for a close game with some controversial calls, so as to increase the odds that Kate or I will knock food onto the floor.

She doesn't really care who wins, as long as she gets nachos.

Knock the food on the floor on purpose. You guys may need all the help you can get!

Dual live game blogging?

Brilliant! At least some live halftime reflections!