Glory Days

A quick glimpse from the 1993 version of Facebook:


See, college students took pictures of each other standing around drinking, even before we had the Internet to post those pictures on...

I'm off to my 15th college reunion for the weekend, to see old friends, renew old acquaintances, play a little golf (if it stops raining), and bore the hell out of Kate with long and involved stories about people she's never met. Good times, good times.

Play nice while I'm away.


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How true, but I am singularly unimpressed with the scandal-free nature of the picture you posted. It is almost as boring as one I have from my undergrad days of person who is now Provost of a Major University.

I envy your reunion. We really need to have one.

The last week has seen a set of pictures from about 30 years ago circulate among several former graduate students, along with a scan of a newsletter that documents the now discredited practice of using an intoxicated navigator (me) to interpret the directions of an intoxicated passenger to the intoxicated driver.

Would a picture of a grad student and two professors (one now in a very prestigious position) in drag have affected those careers if we had had Facebook? Would it increase my blog readership? Ah, good times. Good times indeed.