Owie, Owie, Owie


The comically large cast/splint thing is the result of dislocating my thumb playing hoops at lunch today. Let me just note that looking down to see one of my major joints bending in the wrong place was not what you would call a highlight. And once was enough, thankyewverymuch, at least for this lifetime.

I popped it back in, but the PA in the emergency room was concerned about possible ligament damage, hence the cartoon-character hand wrap. I have a referral appointment with a local orthopedic practice tomorrow, where I hope to get something less unwieldy, because damn...

I'm sure you'll be shocked to hear that it hurts rather a lot. On the bright side: Lortab:


G'night everybody!


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You do realize this means you are getting Old, right? And that next week Obama will accept your basketball challenge?

Be more careful, you have a baby on the way!

Bummer! I once ripped a couple of ligaments in my thumb playing mountain bike polo, so I can relate to the part about joints bending in the wrong place (or at very unusual angles). I hope yours isn't as bad as mine - I needed surgery to correct "skier's thumb", but now it's almost as good as new - just a slightly lower range of motion than before.

Ouch Chad! Hope it's really only a little thing and you're out of that honkin' wrap quickly.

On the plus side, uh, hitchhiking is easier...? (shrug)

Damn. Had that "pointing in the wrong direction" experience with my leg, a new joint appearing halfway between knee and ankle, playing football not far from Chad's house, (though this happened years ago)

Good to see you're letting the gladiator live.

Lortab (Vicodin) - a big jolt of acetaminophen plus some hydrocodone. Don't get overly fond of it. Concomitant administration of an NSAID (e.g., ibuprofen or naproxen) can potentiate effects. NSAIDs typically cause gastic bleeding and increased clotting times (severe warning with Plavix).

Acetaminophen is oxidatively catabolized in the liver to hepato- and nephrotoxic N-acetylquinonimine rapidly followed by glutathione conjugation. Circumstances that lower hepatic gluthathione levels contraindicate acetaminophen - fasting, alcohol ingestion and hangover, liver pathologies, etc.

Yikes! On the bright side, it's your left thumb.

I'm fond of hydrocodone, and not only because it's one of a very few narcotics I can take without unfortunate side effects. Unless mildly goofy sleepiness counts as a side effect.

but dammit man, did you get the foul!!!!!!!!

Heal quickly :-)

You have my sympathy. I broke a phalange in my right pinky finger about a decade ago, playing volleyball. Smaller injury than yours but it still hurt a lot.

They put a pin in it, to keep the bone straight while it healed. (That was kind of cool, actually.) When the pin came out, some bone had grown around where it had been - I could (and can) no longer fully straighten that finger.

These things happen. Hopefully your own injury will be less long-lasting.

Yeah, if I had a tragic fisting injury, I'd probably blame basketball, too.

By Johan Larson (not verified) on 17 Jul 2008 #permalink

Ouch! Hope it heals up quickly. And that no one's trying to shoot a new cover to Hitchhiker's Guide nearby...


Heal quickly.

By Michael I (not verified) on 17 Jul 2008 #permalink

Ouch. The day after Christmas I thought I dislocated my right pinky finger. At the hospital, the doctor even tried to reset it.

Turned out to be a rather nasty fracture, which required surgery and (temporary) pins.

You're lucky - that looks like it shouldn't impair typing.