Stochastic Baby Blogging

Here's an update to the SteelyKid feeding pattern, with almost twice as much data as the previous graph:


Still no solid pattern to the feedings, time-wise, but there has been some change, in that the individual feedings have gotten more distinct. They tend to be longer, and the intervals between feeding are somewhat longer.

It's tough to say whether this is due to a developmental change in SteelyKid, or just acclimation on our part. It's possible that the short-period 9-minute feedings have faded out just because we've gotten better at recognizing when she's actually hungry, and not fussy for some other reason.

She continues to have intermittent gassy episodes, marked by loud, inconsolable screaming. These are distressing, but rarely last more than half an hour, so we're getting off easy relative to some horror stories we've heard.

The gas attacks seem to be somewhat correlated with things that Kate eats, which is really annoying, as it's dramatically reducing our lunch and dinner options. Between careful diet tracking and the judicious use of Mylicon, we've managed to keep our sanity. For now.


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It's tough to say whether this is due to a developmental change in SteelyKid,

You mean like a physically larger stomach, necessitating more food to fill it up (longer feeding times) and taking longer to empty (longer feeding periods)?

Stack it into a single vertical column and do a chirp analysis on it.

By John Novak (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink