Academic Poll: Mind Like a Steel... Thingy

Today is the first day of Spring term classes, which means there's one obvious question to ask:

What am I forgetting?

I've spent the last few days alternating baby duty with frantic class prep, and I think I've got everything ready. I'm bound to be forgetting something, though. So what is it? What's the thing I forgot to do that's going to lead to a mad scramble just before the class starts at 10:30?

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Basketball bag? Or are you not playing this term?

By Anti Bilal (not verified) on 30 Mar 2009 #permalink


(Or, more seriously: enough copies of the syllabus/course notes/whatever for everyone. I always end up with too few.)

If you are like me (and I have my doubts), it is the location of the class. Every semester I get everything ready for the first class, and I mean absolutely everything, just to discover a little too late that I don't know where the class takes place. Same goes for seminars, any kind of meetings, etc. etc.

Walking the dog.

By Johan Larson (not verified) on 30 Mar 2009 #permalink

The answer, for those who care is that I was forgetting to check that the projector worked with my tablet. Which it does, albeit in a slightly different manner than the other classrooms where I've used it, leading to a couple of extremely nervous minutes just before class.