The Importance of Perspective

SteelyKid is eight months old today, and to celebrate... Kate went down to the City for an oral argument. So, SteelyKid and I had our first night at home without Mommy. Fortunately, there was a basketball game last night, and she slept peacefully on my lap through the whole game.

I did cop out a bit when it came time for bed, though. I'm a heavy sleeper as it is, and some of the allergy meds I take make me sleepy at the best of times, so I was worried that I wouldn't hear her in the middle of the night. So, I brought her into our room, and she slept on Kate's part of the big bed.

We've been marveling at how much she's grown lately. It turns out, though, that perspective is important to making her seem like a Great Big Baby:


Somehow, she's not such a big baby when she's sleeping in the big bed.

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