Positive Job Market Developments

Sabine Hossenfelder from Backreaction has landed a job as an assistant professor at NORDITA. That's good news any time, but especially in the current climate.

And going Sabine one better, Mary at View from the Corner has both defended her thesis and gotten a job at the same company as her husband. Way to solve the two-body problem, Mary.

Congratulations to both of them. And if you have happy job news to report, consider this a Happy Job News Open Thread.

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I completely revamped my approach to the job hunt this year. I arranged to spend most of my time this year teaching, so that search committees would know that I'm serious about this aspect of the job. That, combined with a healthy number of papers written last year, seems to have done the trick: in January I accepted a job at Loyola University Chicago. This was my first choice -- a good combination of research and teaching in a town that the missus and I desperately want to move to.

That's good news for me, but I think it also amounts to good advice for other folks on the job market. Last year several schools told me (in as many words) that my job history at big universities and research institutes led them to believe that I was not really interested in teaching, despite clear statements to the contrary on my application. That was enough to keep me off of their shortlists. This year, with a few classes under my belt, it was an completely different story.

If you are going to be on the job market next year, teaching a class or two is one of the best things you can do in support of your application.