It's Hard Work Being a Baby

Well, it is. What with the jumping around, and the giggling, and waving toys in the air, and the tickling and giggling, and taking a walk in the stroller...


It just tires a baby right out.

(If you've clicked through to warn us that letting SteelyKid sleep on her stomach is Incredibly! Dangerous! and May Cause Instant Death!!!, please don't. We've heard it.)

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Besides, I thought that whole "don't sleep on the stomach" thing kind of went by the wayside as soon as the kid is able to turn herself over without help. And she sure looks able to do that. So now, she can sleep cutely in whatever position she likes!

Of course, mere minutes after I posted this, I got a call from Kate, saying that SteelyKid had blorted up her whole breakfast as soon as they walked in the door at day care, so maybe the cute sleeping was a sign of illness, not just happy tiredness. Not that the stomach emptying affected her mood at all-- I watched her at home for most of the morning, and she was perfectly cheerful...

Yay, Steelykid! Boo, blorting up breakfast! Except if she wasn't too distressed about it, I guess it's just a quasi-normal day in the life of a baby. Blort happens.

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 29 Apr 2009 #permalink