A Ticklish Situation

It has come to my attention that unspecified people are having a bad couple of days for unspecified reasons and could use a pick-me-up. Thus, I give you the cutest laughing baby in the universe.

Hope this helps. Have a nice day.

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Oh, you have no idea how much I needed that.
I started giggling in sheer empathy.
Although, I think the very best part is this incredibly fleeting, hyper-serious face she makes looking directly at the camera (at about 41 seconds). It's so incongruous. Yay for cutest baby in the universe!

Thank you so much - that was just what I needed today. I have been following this blog for awhile now, don't think I've ever commented, but I appreciate it very much. The Steelykid is a huge bonus but I come back for the science, too.

Flying baby!

_That_ brings back memories. They get very giggly around 4 months old. That's about when they discover their feet, too.

I totally had to have that, Thanks! (Just got laid off - I call it eight months paid vacation....)

Your daughter is lovely. When mine was that age, I couldn't tickle her as much - she would soon get hiccups from excessive laughter!
I'm also a bit envious at how large and strong you are. I have now stopped lifting even the smallest and thinnest of my children (age 6, and about half my weight). I guess you'll be able to lift her much longer.
On the other hand, the fact that they're so cute that their sight cheers you up every morning stays true for a long time (until puberty, I'm told).

Oh, baby laughter will definitely pick up the worst of days. It works to make good days even better as well.

Thank you for the video. Baby laughs as sweet as the Steelykid's make my day brighter. And kudos to you for stopping when it is still fun and not persisting until it becomes uncomfortable!

Thank you!

Steelykid®'s giggle is now a ringtone on my telephone.

By featheredfrog (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Oh dear, that warmed my heart. To laugh like that...

If anyone is able to watch this without smiling and chuckling themselves by at most the twenty second mark, then they have no soul.

Hi chad

This is Teh CUTE overload!
But on the down side, in about 15 years your daughter is going to be soooo embarrassed at those videos. Be prepared to shell out for a lot of therapist bills :-)

This is why we use a pseudonym for her . . .

Also we don't take pictures that we think would be embarassing, though I admit our perspective may not be shared by her in the future.