Happy Bastille Day

One of my favorite movie scenes:


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That is real courage, real patriotism, not the casual "sing before every ball game" kind ... although the relatives who fought in the Danish underground at that time are never far from my mind when I sing ours.

By CCphysicist (not verified) on 14 Jul 2009 #permalink

That is real courage, real patriotism, not the casual "sing before every ball game" kind ...

It's also got pretty much the whole story of the movie in it-- why Lazlo matters, why she loves him, what Rick and Renault really think about things-- just in the small things the characters do around the song. It's a fantastic scene.

Ah, one of my very favorite scenes of all time also. I'm not aware of a single drop of French blood in me, but it is no less stirring to watch. In a way I hope that there is a similar sentiment with the reformers in Iran right now.

This was the very first movie that I ever owned on VHS.

And to bridge from your earlier posting, could I request having dinner with Ilsa Lund???

Where is the text available in writing?

This scene always brings tears to my eyes. My mother used to sing La Marsellaise to me when I was a child. The lyrics can be found at wikipedia.

Yes, this scene always stirs me also, even to tears.

As a friend pointed out, this scene is the turning point of the movie. Afterwards, the embittered Rick starts to rethink his attitudes.

Oh yes, I've loved this scene since I first saw the movie. But I take care to keep that well hidden from my French boyfriend who hates his national anthem and thinks the revolution was the most stupid idea ever.