PNAS Update and Index

The Project for Non-Academic Science posts have been very well received, and I continue to get a steady trickle of new volunteers. I'm going to slow the rate of posting these a little bit, as the recent posting rate has been a little ridiculous, but I'll keep posting them as long as people keep answering questions.

Were I a more compulsively organized person, I would be tagging and indexing these in a systematic manner as I go. I'm not that organized, though, though it's possible that I will at some point be so desperate to avoid work that I ought to be doing that I will go back and sort them.

Until and unless that happens, though, you can find all the interviews to date in the PNAS category index auto-generated by Movable Type. At the time of this writing, there are already 16 interviews posted, with more pending.

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A great series of posts, have really enjoyed them!

Definitely looking forward to more!

I really enjoy these posts so keep them coming!

By Steven Sheets (not verified) on 27 Jul 2009 #permalink

Dude! I've been trying to figure out what PNAS stood for this whole time.

Just for the record, I've enjoyed the series. I haven't said anything because I haven't had anything to say, per se, but I've been reading them as they come out.

By John Novak (not verified) on 28 Jul 2009 #permalink

Nice to see this series. I'd volunteer myself, but I'm flat out of time at present. (I work as a independent senior computational biologist, contracting to research groups and companies.) It's good to see others make the effort, though, and I hope it gives students a wider range of options to think about.

I have to admit the 'PNAS' got me confused. At first I thought from the titles that you were reviewing PNAS (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA) papers until I looked at the content and remembered your idea of interviewing scientists working outside of academia.

By BioinfoTools (not verified) on 29 Jul 2009 #permalink