The Festival Circuit

I got email a couple of weeks ago asking if I'd be interested in appearing at the Empire State Book Festival in Albany next April. While I recognize intellectually that I will be an Actual Published Author by that time, this still feels sort of weird. Anyway, it's in Albany, so of course I said yes. Not a real big logistical hurdle for that one...

This is probably as good a time as any to mention that I am happy to do talks, panels, whatever that will help promote my book, the subject of physics, or science in general. I don't have any formal book-tour plans at this point, but that's mostly because I'm not very organized, not because I have any objection to the concept.

If you're interested in hearing me talk about physics, dogs, or whatever, drop me a line at orzelc at steelypips which is an org, not a com. I can't promise that I'll be able to do anything-- I do have a day job and a small baby-- but I'm happy to talk. Especially if you're in the general New England area, so I wouldn't need to fly anywhere.

If I get enough requests, I will add an appearance schedule page to (Now with spiffy new front-page image! Adapted from the author pictures Matt took for me.). At present, though, the only solid things are the book festival in April, Boskone in February, and most likely a colloquium at Bates in early December (that has yet to be nailed down). Oh, and it looks like I'll be at the Sigma Xi Annual Meeting in Houston in November. Not to promote the book, but because somebody has to go.

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