DonorsChoose 2008 Challenge - update 3

My DonorsChoose board includes challenges like this one, for example: Smile....We love science!:

I teach special need students in an Inclusion Kindergarten setting in North Carolina. Our school is a Title One campus and we serve many low income families.

I would like to increase and enhance my student's knowledge of science. The Simple Science Exploration tubs will include 4 fun, hands on experiments with simple picture direction as the student's work independently. Having these tubs will provide the student's with engaging hands on activities. Currently, I have a limited amount of material to teach science in a scientific way.

The Simple Science tubs will provide student's with simple investigations. making comparisons among objects and making predictions. My students will benefit from the tubs because they offers a varieties of ways to increase their interest in science.

Your support will ensure that my student's will have the opportunity to enjoy science. I appreciate all that you will do for children and families.

My students need one (1) Simple Science Exploration Tubs to gain an understanding of basic scientific principles as they create a variety of experiments.

Just click here and donate as little as 5$ and make some kids happy.

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