Way Cuter Than the Puppy Bowl

There was some discombobulation yesterday afternoon that kept me from posting these-- I had meant them to be a Super Bowl alternative for the non-football-inclined. They'll work just as well as a Monday brightener, though. So here's a clip of SteelyKid a couple of weeks ago, laughing at the "got your food wrapper" game:

And here's one of her talking on the phone with her grandmother:

I've been on the other end of one of those conversations, and while I still have no idea what she was saying, it's awfully cute.

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Sorry, dude, no offense, but nothing is cuter than Puppy Bowl. Does this kid have kitten half-time? No, he does not.

She's saying SOMETHING organized on the phone, because she said it more than once and she's very definite about it. I couldn't figure it out of course, but SHE knows what she's saying! Does she watch movies over and over again? When my nephew was little, he used to recite movie lines and we had no idea what he was saying until I realized he was saying something he'd heard about a hundred times in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. LOL