Wanted: Short Films About Lasers

Physics Central is having a contest:

Do you love lasers? Ever wanted to unravel the mystery of the stimulated emission? Then the LaserFest video contest is for you. Take any laser you want and use it to somehow express a physics concept. Shine, lase, bounce and wave your way into physics history.

The winner will receive a trophy lovingly made by APS staff from some of our favorite laser toys as well as $1,000 cash. All entries must be received by May 16th at midnight.

If you know how to make videos for YouTube, and know something about physics, here's your chance at (Internet) fame and (minor) fortune. Make a video using a laser to illustrate physics, tag it "laserfest," and you're on your way. Details and more complete instructions are at the link above.

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Make a video using a laser to illustrate physics

Preferably involving sharks.

Wait any physics topic? So I could go all optics on this project.

I don't have a contest entry, but I do work at a facility which operates one of the most energetic and intense lasers in the world. We have some neat time-lapse video of the construction of our new system, the Omega EP laser. I thought I'd post it for people to look at:


If you're curious, there is a Wikipedia page (I didn't write it) which gives a decent overview of what we do:


I'm happy to answer questions, as well.