Dorky Poll: Light Entertainment

I'm off to Williamstown this afternoon, to talk about research and alsoHow to Teach Physics to Your Dog. If you need blog-based entertainment, though, here are some shiny new radio buttons for you to click:

I won't offer a personality analysis based on these results, but after enough people vote, we will be able to determine the angle between this blog's readers and the horizontal. So that's something. Of course, it would require several more polls for full quantum state tomography...

(If you're new here, or ok with old radio buttons for your bloggy amusement, go vote in the Laser Smackdown poll.)

More like this

I voted horizontal, but I would have preferred a circular polarization option. I would be left handed circular polarized. Southpaw light!

What? I can't be right-hand circular, or in a superposition? No fair!

what about the readers that are horizontally polarized and coupled locally in an entagled state?

people who pick horizontally polarized are lazy. that is the only polarization they can do while taking a nap.

By rob, again (not verified) on 30 Apr 2010 #permalink

No vote on your poll, but I did buy your book, so you can take a vacation this year.

By ThirtyFiveUp (not verified) on 30 Apr 2010 #permalink

Polarizing cubes do a much better job with horizontal polarization. The vertical port is far more impure.
...not sayin' which one I picked.

Interesting result, since homework problems always seem to have a bias toward preparing the beam with vertical polarization.

PS - Circular polarization makes for better 3-D movie viewing because you don't have to keep your head vertical all of the time.

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 02 May 2010 #permalink