
Duke shut down its Usenet server yesterday, which is significant because Duke's server was the original home of Usenet. I think this means that Usenet is now available only to about a dozen people with panix accounts.

I note this here because Usenet was an important part of my life. I started reading the rec.arts.sf.* hierarchy in 1993, was involved in the creation of rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan, and spent a lot of time there and on as a graduate student and post-doc. It was my introduction to text-based interaction on the Internet, and led directly to blogdom and my current C-list Internet fame. I made a lot of friends through Usenet, including Kate, so it's really been a major influence on my personal life.

Of course, I haven't looked at any of those groups in years, and my first reaction to the Duke story, like a lot of other people's, was "Wow. That's still going?" But it is, and it's sad but sort of fitting to see that nine of the last ten posts to r.a.s.w.r-j are by Tim Bruening.

So long, Usenet. You will be remembered fondly, and in jokes that nobody gets any more.

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As I understand, Usenet access remains (for now) via

That being said, yes, Usenet is well into it's fade into oblivion. And as someone whose own debt to rasfwr-j is quite substantial: Ave ataque vale.

There are still lots and lots of other Usenet servers, but it is indeed sad that the first one is gone. :-( Luckily, my ISP still runs one.

Alt.soc.neutopia, the canary in the coal mine.

I'm pretty sure my cable company still offers Usenet as a feature, which would maybe be handy if BitTorrent didn't work and I needed to steal something, I guess.