The Coveted Uncertain Principles Endorsement Goes to...

I'm not in the general habit of endorsing candidates for state office in districts where I don't live, but I think I can make an exception in this case:

In a unanimous vote, the Broome County Democratic Committee approved of Town of Triangle Councilman John Orzel to run for the state's 52nd district, currently represented by Republican Sen. Thomas W. Libous.

John Orzel is my uncle, and my 10th and 12th grade Social Studies teacher back in the day. Libous is a career politician in the most negative sense of the phrase, and was one of the Republicans who orchestrated last summer's farcical Republican takeover of the state senate. Anybody who had a part in making the state government look that stupid deserves to lose his seat.

Put those together, and this is probably the easiest endorsement in history...

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The state government IS stupid. It doesn't need to be made to look so. New Legislators are a good idea, especially if they are not lawyers nor business owners. Teacher? Great idea.

By featheredfrog (not verified) on 09 Jun 2010 #permalink

Also, most scientists are Democrats; it's not hard to imagine why in today's climate (if you catch my drift.) There's a clever diagram accessible from Facebook:

Anatomy of the Modern Republican Brain

BTW if reader is a Republican, please understand why so many thinking folks don't like your Party, and work on reforming its wretched state.

Did he ever play basketball with you? That's all I need to know.

Getting involved in political races where you don't live is one of the BEST ways to bring sanity to back to insane pockets of the country. I, like corporations, feel that I am a FINANCIAL constituent to any race in the country.

No, I don't think we ever played basketball together.... But, as his proud Godfather, there was a time when I was able to literally hold Chad in the palms of my two hands. That lasted approximately 5 minutes. Thanx "Boomer" for the endorsment!

By John Orzel (not verified) on 11 Jun 2010 #permalink