Science on the Tree 2010: Pets

Our final science-themed Christmas ornament is this Santa and friend:


What does walking a dog have to do with science? If you have to ask that, you're reading the wrong blog. Dog-walking is essential to science-- that's where we get some of our best ideas!

In a broader sense, this one can be said to represent the importance of maintaining some balance between science and the rest of your life. No matter how important the problem you are working on may be, your dog still needs walking, your kids need to be read to, and your family needs you to spend time with them. Especially at the holidays.

And, on that note, I'm off to spend the holiday with my family. Merry Christmas to those who won't take offense, Happy Holidays to those who observe some other solstice-linked event, and the rest of you have a great weekend.

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